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Tris POV
I wake up and my cheeks are a little wet.
I roll out of bed and try to find the bathroom so I can take a shower.

I take a quick shower and wrap myself in a towel. I walk to my big closet to look for something to wear.

I find a gray long sleeved shirt that says, "New York," faded blue skinny jeans, brown Bearpaw boots, and a gray scarf.
I make my way over to the white makeup vanity in my room and sit down on the chair in front of it. I slightly curl my hair and put a white flower hairband on. I put on black/gray eyeshadow, a little bit of blush, and a little orange-ish/red lipstick. I open what I'm guessing is my jewelry box and find a silver bracelet with a bird on it and a white infinity bracelet. I see a heart shaped necklace in my jewelry box and grab it. I see that it's not just a necklace, it's a locket. On the front it says 4+6 and the back says, My love, my life, my forever.

I let a tear fall down my cheek and quickly wipe it off. I put the locket back and swiftly walk out of my room.

My mom and dad think that I'm not ready to drive yet since I only got out of the hospital yesterday so my mom is taking me to school.

I walk down the stairs and find my mom in the kitchen making pancakes.

"Morning mom."

"Morning sunshine."

We eat breakfast and get in the car so my mom can take me to school.

The ride to school is silent.

"Bye mom, thanks for the ride!" I say as I get out of the car.

I start to walk towards the school and I hear someone yell, "Tris!" I continue walking. "Tris!" they say again and somebody puts a hand on my shoulder. I turn around and see Four, or Tobias, I don't even know, looking at me.

"Hey Tris."

I stare at him blankly. "Oh right, I'm Tris. Hey Four," I say and plaster a fake smile on my face. Don't look in his eyes B-Tris. Don't, it'll only break your heart more.

"I'm guessing you haven't gotten your memory back yet."

I shake my head and look down avoiding his eyes.

"Do you know my locker combination? Cause I can't remember and I'm to lazy to get it from the office."

"Still lazy as ever," he chuckles. "Yeah, I know your combination."

I smile, still not looking at his eyes.

We walk into the school and he leads me to my locker.

Time Lapse

The morning goes by in a blur and before I know it, it's lunch time. All of the people that came into my hospital room when I woke up from my coma are sitting at the same table as me.

I eat my hamburger and fries and barely talk. People randomly just come up to me and ask if I've gotten my memory back yet and it's really starting to get annoying.
I get up to throw away my trash and sit back down where I was sitting.

The bell soon rings and I stand up to go to my locker the girls get up with me we start to walk towards the doors.

"Tris! Wait!" Four.

I turn around and look at him. "What?"

"Do you want to go see a movie with me or something?" he asks

"No," I answer and his hopeful face falls. "Only because I don't want to hurt you anymore than I already have," I say and a tear rolls down my cheek.

"If you don't want to hurt me then go to the winter dance with me this Friday."

I think about it and say, "Okay."

He smiles and kisses my forehead.

"OMG! Yes! We're going shopping for dresses later!" Christina says.

"Fine," I say as we walk to music.

✎✐Time Lapse✎✐

Christina and I walk into Dillard's and immediately start looking for dresses for the dance.

"Hey Chris, we're looking for blue and white right?"

"Right Tris."

We look for dresses for over an hour and I try on some that I like, but they're not the dress.

When I walk out of the dressing room after the 16 dress I've tried on I start to loose hope.

I sit on a chair and hear Christina squeal.
"OMG! Tris! You have to try this on!" She hands me a short strapless royal blue dress with beading on the neckline and a lace trim.

"Chris! OMG! It's beautiful! Where'd you find this?!"

"Over there! Now go try it on!"

I rush into the dressing room and put on the dress. I look into the mirror and I feel amazing in this dress! It's so beautiful and flowy!

I walk out of the dressing room and Christina's jaw drops.

"OH MY GAWD! You look amazing Tris!"

"Thanks Chris!"

She disappears for a second and then shows up with a pair of sparkly pumps.
"Try these on too."

I take of the shoes I'm wearing and put the high heels on.

"That looks just plain awesome!" she squeals.

I change out of the dress and high heels and buy them.

Mission accomplished!

Christina and I high five and walk out of the mall satisfied.

She drips me off at my house and I walk inside and bring the bag up to my room.
I set the bag next to my bed and fall into my bed.

"Hey, sweetie. Is that your dress?" she asks pointing to the bag from Dillard's.


"Can I see?"

I take the dress out of the bag and show it to my mom.

"It's beautiful!"

I smile and put it back in the bag.

"Well mom, I'm gonna go to sleep."

"Night Bea."

"Night mama."

A/N: hey! Tris and Tobias are going to the winter dance together! Yay! I hope everyone had a great Easter and Fourtris day! Almost 3k views! AHHHHH! I still need you to vote for a name for you guys so do that please! Or I'll just pick my favorite if you want!😁

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