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Disclaimer: I do not own Divergent or it's characters!! Veronica Roth does!

I get to school within ten minutes, with the help of Siri of course. Fortunately, I find an open spot, and I grab my backpack before hopping out of the car. Slinging my backpack over one shoulder, I walk into the school with my phone, keys, and Hydro Flask all in my hand.

I head straight into the office, and walk up to the lady at the front desk. She asks for my name and grade and I answer, "Tris Prior, junior." Setting my keys, phone, and water bottle on the ledge, I brush my hair behind my ear as I wait for the lady to print my schedule.

"Here you go Tris," she says.

"Thank you!" Turning, I walk out of the office looking down at my schedule. I have:

Per. 1-Math; Mr. Alexander; B5
Per. 2-Lang. Arts; Mrs. Williams; A10
Per. 3-P.E; Coach Amar; GYM
Per. 4-Science; Mrs. Matthews; S7
Per. 5-Music; Ms. Wu; B19
Per. 6-Art; Ms. Wu; B19
Per. 7- Free Period

Well it looks like I have a pretty good schedule. At least I don't have P.E. for first period. Looking over my schedule again as I walk through the crowded halls,  I try to figure out where all of the classes are. Though I have no idea where I am now, so it's no use.

I stop suddenly as I bump into the person in front of me. One of my biggest pet peeves is people that just stop into the middle of a hallway. Annoyed, I look up, pushing my blonde hair out my hair as the guy in front of me turns around. I huff, only wanting to get to class, but this guy, along with the rest of the people in the hallway is making that difficult.

Then I look into his eyes and my heart flutters to match the butterflies in my stomach. They are the most extraordinary eyes I've ever seen. Taking in a deep breath, I cross my arms, waiting for him to say something.

Thankfully, he does.

"Hey, I don't think we've met. I'm Four Eaton."

"Tris Prior," I respond coolly, keeping my arms crossed.

"New here?" Four asks.

"You betcha." I respond. This causes a laugh to bubble up from him and it excites me to know I caused such an amazing laugh.


I'm about to say no, but then I realize that I really don't have any idea where I'm going. Instead, I say, "Uh... yeah."

"Let me look at your schedule to see what class you have." Unfolding my arms, I hand my schedule over and shove my phone in my back pocket. "Okay, Tris. Your first class is in B Hall, and you're going in the completely opposite direction," he comments, making me laugh this time. Of course, being bad at directions, this is something I would do.

I stand there for a few seconds without saying anything. Come on, say something Tris! "Sounds like me." Wow, that was clever. He chuckles.

"Really?" I just nod. "Okay, well you and I also have third and fifth and sixth together."

"No way," I sarcastically retort.

"Just follow me." Four rolls his eyes, but weaves through the heavy crowd and creates an easy pathway for me to follow. Soon, the group thins so Four and I can walk side by side. He asks the typical questions people do when a new kid comes to school, but I freeze when he asks about a boyfriend. Really, dude? We just met. Plus, I'm not even looking for that right now. Then he assures me that it's just to get to know me so I relax.

"No, I don't have a boyfriend. Do you have a girlfriend?"

"No," he replies with a smile that compels one of my own to spread across my face.

Four pauses in front of a classroom marked B5, and all of a sudden I'm disappointed that our walk is over.

"I guess this is my class," I turn to look at it for a second while adjusting the backpack strap on my shoulder.

"Yeah, I should probably get to my own class now," Four responds, fixing his own backpack.

Hesitantly, I respond, "Okay."

He starts backing away, and I laugh when he runs into somebody speeding through the hallway. "I'll see you in third, Prior!" I giggle once more, and my mood quickly changes as I dread walking into this first class.

+  +  +  +  +

Second period just ended, and using the directions Four gave me, I move through the masses of people to get to the gym.

Four must've been looking for me, because he waves me over as soon as I see him. He turns to the people sitting behind him, who I assume are his friends, and I walk across the gym to them. Playfully shoving Four's shoulder when I reach him, he rotates to look at me as I sit next to him.

"Tris, these are my friends, Zeke, Shauna, Christina, Marlene, Lynn, and Uriah. Guys, this is Tris, she's new," Four's introduction is right to the point, and I think that pretty much explains him. He's not one to beat around the bush.

"Hi," is all I say as I pull my water bottle out of my backpack. Taking a sip, I get a chorus of 'heys' in return.

"Tris, your outfit is so cute!" the girl who I think is named Christina says.

"Thank you! I think we also have math together," I add.

"Oh, right! That's why you look so familiar!"

Right after she finished speaking, the teacher speaks up,"Alright everybody! Quiet down! Let's get this syllabus over with." Coach Amar passes several sheets of paper up the stands, and having stopped paying attention, Four bumps into my shoulder when he hands me a sheet.

Amar quickly goes over the rules of the class, and they're all basically common sense, so I end up looking around the gym for the last couple minutes of his explanation. We pass the syllabuses back down the bleachers so he can use them for his other classes. Four and I both turn to face his friends, but I guess they're my friends now too.

The group begins to explain the school to me, and they also tell me that they have another friend named Will who's in AP Calculus right now. I find out that I have science with Zeke, and music and art with all eight of them.

When the bell rings, Four and I walk out of the gym together, but split up as soon as we're out the door so he can go to math with Shauna and I go to science with Zeke.

A/N: yay!! There's chapter 2!!!! The picture up top is who I thought should be for each character😁😊

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