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Ugh! I think. Then I realize I get to see F-Tobias today! I didn't get to see him ALL weekend cause the girls took me shopping and we had a sleepover. Well, as much sleep as you can get when you have a sleepover with those girls. Tobias and I Snapchatted of course, but it's not the same.

I get out of bed and go to my bathroom to take a shower. After about ten minutes in the shower I get out and dry off. I wrap a towel around my body and another around my head. I go to my closet to pick out what I'm going to wear today.

After a little bit of contemplating, I choose skinny jeans, a burgundy pocket t-shirt, and my favorite Birks. Throwing on a gold layered necklace with a sun on one chain and a moon on the other, I then go to my bathroom and pull my hair back into a half up braid. I do simple makeup, which literally just means foundation, mascara, and lip balm.

I grab my phone off the charger and my backpack and head down the stairs to go get breakfast.

My mom and dad had to get to work early today so it's just Caleb and I.

Filling up my water bottle in the sink, I decide to text Tobias.

T- good morning sunshine!!
4- morning gorgeous <3
T- lol yeah right
4- oh, whatever. you're beautiful
T- seriously, stop
4- never

Rolling my eyes, I lock my phone and screw the lid back on my Hydro Flask. Then head to the living room to grab my backpack.

After locating my backpack, I fish my keys out of the front pocket and walk outside to my car. Caleb finally got his car fixed, so it's just me today.

When I get in my car I put the keys in the ignition and turn on the radio.

I arrive at school about 10 minutes later and after I find a parking spot, I turn the car off and take the keys out of the ignition. Opening the door, I grab my backpack from the passenger seat and hop out. I start walking over to the gang, where it seems only Chris, Will, and Marlene are standing.

"Hey Tris!" They all yell.

"Hey guys!" I yell back waving.

Mar greets me with a side hug when I reach the three of them, and I happily hug back.

A pair of arms wrap around me from behind and lift me up, making me panic for a second before I realize that it's just Tobias.

"Four Eaton, put me down this second!" I shout, and thankfully he does, but he keeps one arm snaked around me.

"You should calm down, Prior, you wouldn't want to cause a scene," Tobias says, so I stick my tongue out at him. I envelope my arms around his torso and smile at him though.

"Look at you two, getting all lovey-dovey," Uriah suddenly comments, coming up out of the blue and slinging his arms over both my shoulders and Tobias's.

"Whatever, Uriah. Number Boy over here and I are just friends," I counter, shoving his shoulder and looking at Tobias for help.

He hesitates, but goes along with it. "Yeah, Uri, we're just good friends." Everybody raises their eyebrows like they don't believe us, and really they shouldn't. Tobias and I did kiss, and the butterflies in my stomach that just love to flutter when I'm around him definitely don't go unnoticed.

"Kay, so Tris, I was just telling the girls that volleyball tryouts are after school this Thursday." Shauna says.

"Really?! That's my game!"

"Yeah!" Mar says.

"I really can't wait for Thursday!"

"Me neither!" Says Lynn. "I got a killer spike!"

"Really? I have a killer jump serve!" I say.

"Yeah! Let's do this!" She says and we high five. Supposedly while the girls and I were talking about volleyball, the guys were talking about football tryouts. We all talk for a little bit longer and go inside when the bell rings.

A/N: Oh my gosh guys!!!! I'm soooo sorry that it took so long to update!!! I've been pretty busy with school resuming after break and the end of the quarter coming up and my choir concert and my brothers basketball games... But again SOOOO SORRY!!! I'll try to update once or twice a week...

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