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Tobias POV
Is this really happening? Am I actually flying on a plane to Disneyland? Tris is the best!

We're watching 22 Jump Street on her new MacBook Pro that she got for christmas.

Tris POV
We just got the Disneyland resort and it's amazing! Since it's only four, we decided just to spend the rest of the day in Downtown Disney.

Right now, we're waiting for our table in Rainforest Cafe and looking at all the souvenirs. I see the photo booth and drag Tobias in it with me. We put in the money.

"Funny faces!" I say. We make funny faces and the flash goes off.


The flash goes off and we decide to kiss for the last photo. It takes the last picture and we get out to grab the photo strip thingymabob.

I look at the pictures and they came out beautifully. Really good quality and they just look downright amazing!

"I'm gonna frame this when we get home," I say to Tobias.

"Tris, table for 9. Tris, table for 9, your table is ready," the loudspeakers say before Tobias can respond.

We find our friends and follow the waitress to our table.

Time Lapse

Today is our first whole day in Disneyland and I am super pumped!! I cannot wait to go on Space Mountain, Splash Mountain, and Thunder Mountain!! They're my favorites!! We have from today, Sunday, December 27, to Friday, January 1, in Disneyland.

After I took a shower in the hotel room that I'm sharing with Tobias, Christina, and Will, I put on faded jean capris, an orange-ish shirt with Stitch going, "WHEE!" I find my converse that I made that have Lilo and Stitch on them and my necklace that says, "Ohana." I curl my hair and then brush it out to create beach waves. Then I do a cat-eye eyeliner thingy and put on hot pink lipstick.

I grab my white backpack with black polka dots and a little bit of faux leather and put my phone and portable charger, water bottles, wallet, and extra lipstick in it.

At exactly 7:50 am, we meet Shauna, Zeke, Marlene, Uriah, and Lynn in the lobby to get onto the trams and actually go to Disneyland.

Time Lapse

We just got through the hated of Disneyland, and it looks amazing just from the entrance.

As we walk, I can just barely see Sleeping Beauty's castle. It's pink and amazing, I just love it!

"Space Mountain first," I tell my friends.

We all walk over to the Tomorrowland part of Disneyland (quick A/N🌸: Just wondering if anybody has heard about the new Tomorrowland Disney movie... No? K, continue👉🏼) Since it's early and nobody's really here, it takes longer to walk through all of the twists and turns than it does to wait to get a car thingy.

When we finally get a car thingymabob, Tobias and I are I the front, Mar and Uriah are behind us, Zeke and Shauna are after them, then Will and Chris, and finally, Lynn is in the very back by herself.

The car zooms off and it's all dark except for the 'stars.' We turn this way and that and go up and down. We turn some more and go up and down some more. I hear high pitched screams knowing that it's Zeke.

After awhile in the car, a flash goes off, probably signaling a picture. We finally reach light again and the car slowly comes to a stop. We all get out and head to the exit.

We look for our picture and see it near the end. I start cracking up. Tobias has a look of pure horror on his face and it's hilarious! The picture was taken while he was in the middle of a scream. I take my phone out and take a picture of the picture.

"It's not that funny," Tobias says when he notices that I'm still laughing.

"It's kinda funny," I respond.

"No, it's really funny!" Zeke buds in.

"You should see your face," Lynn says. "It's ten times as funny as Four's"

I look at Zeke's face in the picture and it is ten times funnier.

"Hahaha! Omg! Zeke, you look like a screaming little girl!" Shauna laughs. When she notices his playful look of hurt she says, "Oh, sorry baby, but it's pretty funny."

We all laugh and Zeke manages a small laugh.

Time Lapse

The fireworks just ended and we're riding a tram to take us back to the resort.

When we get to the resort, we all trudge inside to the elevator to take us to our rooms. Will, Christina, Tobias, and I are the first ones to get off because our room is right under Marlene, Uriah, Shauna, Zeke, and Lynn's room.

After I finally manage to get the door to open I walk inside the room and change into my pjs. After that, I get under the sheets and just lay there playing Crossy Road on my phone.

I don't look up from my phone until I feel lips on mine. Tobias. I put my phone on the nightstand kiss back lovingly. I love him. I'm unconditionally and irrevocably in love with him. I wouldn't want it any other way. My life is absolutely perfect right now.

I pull back when a pillow hits me.

"No PDA!" Will says.

"Jeez, don't get your panties in a twist," I reply while Tobias gets off of me. I give him a peck on the lips then turn the lamp off.
A/N: Ok, sorry bout the wait people. I have just been pretty busy the week and my birthday was on Sunday so I had a bunch of friends over for a sleepover on Saturday. And my brother's 18th birthday is tomorrow so.....
I want to see if you guys can guess my age so leave a comment and I'll see if anybody's right so yeah.... I am also writing this on my crappy laptop... It works though... And I kinda know how to type.... I'm working on chapter 2 of Acting Normal right now...

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