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≺⌑≻Tobias POV≺⌑≻
It has been eight days.

Eight torturous days without Tris Prior.

I miss my Tris.

Everyday after school I come here and hold her hand, hoping that she'll wake up. I'm sitting here in the hospital, next to Tris and holding her hand.

I squeeze her hand lightly to see if that'll wake her up. It doesn't. So I squeeze a little harder, then a little more harder, then more, and more.

After five minutes of squeezing her hand, I'm about to give up. Then I feel my hand being squeezed. I dive out of my chair and kneel next to her on the floor.

I squeeze her hand again and her eyes flutter open.

☋☊☋Tris POV☋☊☋

I feel someone squeezing my hand and I try to open my eyes but it feels like they're glued shut. The person keeps squeezing my hand and I muster enough strength to squeeze back.

There's another squeeze and I manage to make my eyes flutter open. I quickly close them because of bright lights in whatever room I'm in. I open my eyes again, prepared for the bright lights this time and I see an unfamiliar face with brown hair and blue eyes that are too beautiful to be natural holding my hand.

"Tris! Oh my god! You're awake! I love you so much!"

I jerk my hand away and say, "Get away from me! Who are you? Who's Tris?" I can see his look of happiness turn to one of sadness

"I'm Tobias, your boyfriend, your forever and always. And you're Tris."

"I'm sorry but the name Tobias doesn't ring a bell. Where're my parents?"

"They went to go get food."

"Oh. Could you get me a nurse please, I have a very bad headache."

He nods and runs out the door.

A nurse soon comes in and gives me some Advil.

"Do you want me to go get your parents?"
I nod my head.

A group of people that I don't recognize walk in the door.

"Why are you in my room? I don't know who any of you are!"

A girl with mocha colored skin and short brown hair walks up to me and says, "You don't remember us. Well, then I'm Christina, that's Marlene, Shauna, Lynn, Will, Uriah, Zeke, and I'm guessing you already re-met Four," she says each name and points to each person.

Then I see my mom, dad, and Caleb walk through the door.

"Mom! Dad! Caleb!"

"Tris! Sweetie you're awake!"

"Why do you people keep calling me Tris? And do you know who they are?" I ask my parents.

My dad answers, "That's what you told us to call you. And they are your friends. And that's your boyfriend, Four," he points to the tall boy with blue eyes that told me his name was Tobias. But people keep calling him Four. I am so confused.

"Mom, can you ask the doctor if I can leave?"

"Sure, sweetheart."

Everybody except for Christina, Marlene, Lynn, and I think it was Shauna leave the room.

While mom and dad sign papers to get me out of this place, the girls talk to me about my life since I came to Chicago. They tell me about school and my relationship with Four, and just, everything.

Luckily, my mom brought me a t-shirt and some sweatpants so I wouldn't have to walk out of the hospital with the hospital gown on.

I walk into the bathroom and change. I walk out and find my mom sitting on the bed looking at something on her phone.

"Ready?" I ask.

"Ready. Let's go."

We walk out of the hospital and I have no idea what car is ours.

Mom points to a black 2014 Chevy Suburban and unlocks the doors so we can get in. I get in the car and buckle my seatbelt.

When we get home, I run inside and hug my dad and brother. I run upstairs and get under the covers on my bed.

⚎⚍⚎Time Lapse⚎⚍⚎

I wake up in the middle of the sweaty and with tears streaming down my face.

"Mom!" I yell with more tears streaming down my face.

She comes rushing into my room, "Yes, sweetheart?"

"Can I talk to you?"

"Of course," she sits down on my bed.

"Today, when I woke up from my coma, Four, or I guess Tobias, was right next to my bed holding my hand, and he told me he loved me," I start to cry a little. "I'm guessing I had said that to him before or something, but I told I didn't recognize him and that I wanted him to get away from me, and then I saw his face, a look of sadness and heartbrokenness, if that's even a word. But after seeing his face, my heart broke," I am full on sobbing by now.
"Then a couple girls were talking to me while you and dad were checking me out of the hospital, and they told me about how Tobias and I were the 'golden couple' and how we were inseparable. My heart broke even more.

"How am I supposed to look at him at school tomorrow? How am I even supposed to be in the same room as him without breaking down into a million pieces? Christina, I think that was her name, told me that Four and I have all the same classes. How am I supposed to deal with that?" I start to cry even harder.

"Sweetie, this boy loves you more than you can even imagine. Stop worrying, okay? I bet that he's gonna be the first person that you will want to see when you get your memory back."

"But what if I don't get my memory back?"

"I'm 99.9% sure that you will get your memory back. Now get some sleep, it's almost 3 in the morning."

"Ok, night mom."

"Night sweetheart."

She turn off the light and leaves the room.
I slowly let sleep overcome me.

A/N: hey!! Sad chapter, sorry! I know, I'M SO MEAN!!!!😈

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