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I wake up with a big smile on my face. I look at my clock and it happens to be ten minutes before my alarm would go off. I get up and take a fifteen minute shower. Once I'm done I throw on a black halter bralette, a purple T-shirt dress, and black Dr. Marten sandals.

After I get dressed I put on mascara, eyeliner, peach eyeshadow, blush, and bit of lip gloss. I pull my long hair into a loose messy bun at the back of my head and leave a few strands out to frame my face. Before running downstairs, I throw on a black choker with a pearl and a couple gold rings.

I'm surprised to see my parents and Caleb. I grab a banana bread muffin and chow down because I'm starving.

"What are you guys doing here? I mean, I know you live here, but you're usually at work by now. Or school." I say.

"We didn't have to work as early this morning." My mother explains.

"And you?" I ask Caleb.

"My car won't start. I need a ride. Can you give me one?"

"Sure, but you'll probably have to walk home cause I'm not waiting for your slow butt. And you're gonna have to sit in the back because my backpack goes in the front seat."

"That's fine."

"Let's go."

"Alright. See you later mom! Bye dad!"

"Bye sweetie! Bye Caleb!"

"Bye! Come on Bea! Hurry up! Let's go!"

"Kay! Jeez!" I grab my backpack and my phone and head outside to my car with Caleb.

He starts to open the passenger seat door, but I say,"Uh uh. Nope. You sit in the back like I said, remember?"

"Right." He opens the door to the seat behind the passenger seat. I start the car and head to school. I find a parking spot, but some jackass pulls in before me.

Turns out the jackass is Four.

"You took my spot, Number Boy!" I yell after I roll down the window. I find an empty spot a few spots over and park in it. Caleb gets out as fast as he can and runs over to his nerd group. Four appears out of almost nowhere, and opens the car door. "Thank you, good sir," I say while taking his hand and getting out with my backpack on my shoulder and water bottle in my other hand.

"Anything for you m'lady," he says while lifting my hand up and twirling me around.

"Oh, he's a gentleman and he's romantic. What else don't I know about you, Number Boy?"

"A lot of things."

"Mysterious, I like that."

Walking over to the gang, Four asks me how I am.

"I'm great now that I'm with you, Number Boy!" I proclaim, lightly elbowing him in the side. His hands fly up to his heart, and he mocks appreciation.

"That makes me so happy, Prior." He meant to say it sarcastically, but there was definitely a hint of truth.

We reach the gang, and Christina pulls me aside.

"Okay, what did you get for 43 on the math homework?" she asks.

"Um, I don't remember for sure. I'll show you when we get to class," I reply before taking a sip of water from my Hydro Flask.

"What is wrong with my boyfriend?" Shauna says, as Christina and I rejoin the group.

"What?" I say. Four looks over at me, and I offer a closed-mouthed smile. He beams back at me, and it's hard for me to not giggle at his goofy expression.

"Ugh, he's just an idiot. A cute idiot though." We all laugh.

The bell rings, and the nine of us head inside, and then Chris and I split off to get to math. She smacks a kiss on Will's cheek before looping her arm through mine. All at once, Christina's dramatic side explodes, and she's all over me about Four.

"OMG! I have never seen Four twirl a girl around before! And I mean never, in my eight years of knowing him. Ever. He totally likes you!"

"I don't think so, Chris. Why would Four, the most popular guy at this school, with a very cool number for a name, like the New Girl?"

"Tris you are so blind!" she says. "Four was literally staring at you the whole time this morning! Any guy would be nuts not to see that you're gorgeous! Including Four. Personally, I think that if anyone could catch him and keep him forever, it's you."

"Sure, Chris," I retort. Four and I are just friends. And that's all we're gonna be... for now.

A/N: Yay! Chapter 5! Well there isn't really anything to say so... DISCLAIMER:I DO NOT OWN DIVERGENT OR ANY OF ITS CHARACTERS!!!! ALL CREDS GO TO VERONICA ROTH!!

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