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School and practice go by in a blur. Tobias drops me off at home and I quickly take a shower and get dressed for the dinner with Tobias and Marcus.

I get dressed in a burgundy knee length chiffon dress and black strappy heels.
I put on a gold opal ring, an arrow ring, an 'I love you' gesture ring, a gold bangle with black stones, another gold bangle, a triangle necklace, another triangle necklace with 'T' on it, and a bar necklace with fake diamonds.

I take my hair out of the messy bun from volleyball practice and put it into a side French braid. I just touch up some of my makeup and I'm good to go.

After walking downstairs, I find Mom in the kitchen making chicken alfredo. I make a Caesar salad to go along with the chicken alfredo and set the table. Mom had just finished making dinner when the bell rang.

Dad goes to open the door and I hear some talking. Mom and I walk to the foyer and say hello to Marcus and Tobias. I might as well say, Tobias looks hot. We all sit down and dad and Marcus start talking about business stuff.

I'm sitting with my dad on my right at the head of the table and Tobias on my left. Mom is directly across from me and Caleb is on her left next to Marcus.

Tobias looks really nervous, so I grab his hand under the table and squeeze it. He squeezes back and grips my hand like there's no tomorrow. I rub soft circles with my thumb on the back of his hand to tell him that it's ok.

We start eating and dad and Marcus continue talking about businessy stuff.
Caleb, Tobias, and I don't speak unless we are spoken to.

When we all finish, mom suggests that I take Tobias on a tour of the house.
Tobias and I stand up and I lead him to the living room.

"Come on, I'll show you the basement," I say. He nods and grabs my hand. Together we walk down the stairs to the basement. We sit down on one of the couches and he puts his arm around me.

"I'm scared that your parents are gonna tell Marcus that we're dating," he says after a little bit.

"Why would you be scared of that?" I ask, turning around to face him and putting my hand on his cheek.

"I don't want him to hurt you," he says, "he hurts anything that's important to me."

"He's not going to hurt me," I say rubbing his cheek with my thumb.

"Yes he will. That's what he did to my mom," he says with concern pouring off his face.

"Shhh," I whisper while pulling him into a hug.

"I love you," he says suddenly. I pull back. His eyebrows go up, and I can tell he's worried he said the wrong thing. I grin, and press my lips to his.

"I love you too," I murmur when we break apart. Tobias beams at me and I kiss his cheek, laughing.

"We should probably go back to the dining room," I say while getting up from the couch. I grab his hand and pull him up from the couch.

"Come on, lazy bum," I say.

"Kiss me?"

I decide to tease him and kiss his cheek.

"On the lips."

Smiling, I lean down and kiss him on the lips.

"We need to go."

"Okay," he says and grabs my hand as we walk to the living room. He drops my hand when we get there.

We sit down on the couch and listen to dad and Marcus continue on about business stuff.

Around nine, Marcus announces that he and Tobias should get going. We all stand up and I uncomfortably shake Marcus's hand. When I hug Tobias, I melt into his embrace.
Then I pull back and I mouth, 'I love you.'
He mouths, 'I love you too,' back.
they walk out the door and I get ready for bed.


As Marcus and I walk to the house, he says, "Andrew and Natalie told me that you're dating their daughter, Beatrice. Is that true?"

I tense up and say, "Yes."

I can see his evil grin in the darkness.
When we get inside, he says, "You behaved well tonight, Tobias."

Nodding, I run upstairs and get ready for bed.

BBBEEEAAATTTIIINNNGGG HEEAARRTT TOONNIIGGHHTT!!!!!😂 I am so sorry that this chapter took so long!!! I'll try to update as much as I can this week!! And I hit 1k total views!!! Yay!!!

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