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Tobias and I stand at the edge of my living room with his arms wrapped around me.

"I can't wait for you to meet my cousin, Claire."

"Is she cute?"

"Oh my god, she's the most adorable 4 year-old ever."

Right then, there's a knock on the front door. Mom opens it, revealing my Uncle John, Aunt Rebecca, and Claire.

"Hi Auntie Natalie!"

"Hi Claire!"

"Where's Bea?" she asks.

"Over there," Mom says and points to me.

Claire runs into the house and up to me.

"Bumble Bea!"

"Claire-Bear!" I pick her up and put her on my hip.

"Who's that?" Claire says, pointing to Tobias.

"That's Tobias, he's my boyfriend."

"Hi Claire," Tobias says.

She looks at him for awhile and finally says, "I like you."

He smiles and I laugh. I talk with Claire for a little bit and catch Tobias staring at me. I look at him and smile.

"Hi Tris," Aunt Rebecca says. I hand her Claire and she places her on her hip.

"Hey Aunt Becca."

"Who's this?"

"My boyfriend."

"Does he have a name?"

"It's Tobias," Tobias says.

"Tobias, I like it."

"Mommy, put me down," Claire says. Aunt Rebecca puts her down and she runs off.

"I better go chase her, so I'll talk to you guys later."

I wrap my arms around Tobias's waist and he wraps his arms around my shoulders.

"I love you," I say.

"I love you too, baby." I reach up and kiss him. I rest my head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat.

Time Lapse

I hand the last present under the tree to Claire, she rips through the wrapping paper, showing a brunette Barbie doll.


I shake my head and stand up from my spot on the floor next to the tree. I brush off my leggings and run my fingers through my wavy hair.

I walk to the dining room and grab one of the cookies that my grandma made. I take a bite from the cookie as I walk back into the living room. I see my aunt and Tobias talking so I walk over to them.

"Stealing my man, Aunt Becca? Cause I wouldn't blame you."

"Just making sure he's good for you, Tris."

"Please, my parents did that over a year ago."

"Yeah, well, he hasn't passed the Auntie Inspection yet, so."

"Really? The Auntie Inspection? That's what you're calling it?"

"Exactly. The aunt has to approve of the boyfriend too, you know."

"Does she now?"

"Well, I'll let you guys continue." I stuff the rest of the cookie in my mouth and walk away.

"She sure is a keeper, huh?" I hear Aunt Rebecca ask Tobias.

"I HEARD THAT!" I yell over my shoulder as I walk over to Claire and one of my other cousins -Adeline- who are playing with their dolls.

I play with Claire and Adeline for a while, occasionally catching Tobias staring at me.

Around 10:30, Aunt Rebecca tell Claire that it's time for bed. Claire protests, yawns, and quickly falls asleep. My aunts, uncles, grandparents, and young cousins all agree that it's time to go to bed.

Us teenagers; my cousins Eric, Hayden, Mia, and Tobias and I all stay up watching National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation.

Eric is my least favorite relative of all. He has so many piercings and tattoos that I loose count. He's really creepy and kinda mean. He's actually really good friends with the Hayes triplets, which ultimately gives me another reason to dislike him.

I sit next to Tobias on my U-shaped couch, with his arm round me, and my head on his shoulder.

I fall asleep near the end of the movie

Time Lapse
I wake up enveloped in Tobias's arms. He must've brought me up here after I fell asleep last night.

Tobias's eyes slowly open and he yawns.

"Merry day-after-Christmas." I say after I yawn.

"Merry day-after-Christmas." I flip over so I'm laying on my back and so does Tobias. I turn on my tv and find the only channel that's still playing Christmas movies; ABC Family.

I snuggle up next to Tobias and we lay there for hours, sometimes actually paying attention to the movie, sometimes just kissing, sometimes talking.

I am hopelessly in love with this boy, and I wouldn't want it any other way.

EY guys! Sorry bout the short chapter😐 But hey, I updated in less than a week!😂 I just started reading If I Stay, and it's really good.😉

Love you guys💕💋

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