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💋🌸💋Tris POV💋🌸💋
I wake up to my phone buzzing and minions singing, "Woohoo! It's your boyfriend calling! Get it! Get it! Get it! Get it! Hey! Get it! Get it! Get it! Get it! Hey! Get it! Get it! Get it! Get it! Hey! Woohoo! It's your boyfriend calling! Hooray!"

I grab my phone and click the answer button.

"Hey baby," I say, half-asleep.

"Hey, I don't think I'll be able to come to school today."

"Oh, baby, why not?"

"One second," I hear puking and a toilet flushing.

"Baby, are you sick?"


"Do you want me to check on you before I go to school?"

"No, it's fine."

"Babe, I'm gonna check on you right after I get dressed, ok?"


"I love you. See you in a bit."

"Love you too."

I hang up and get out of my bed. I walk to my closet and pick out a red, white, and blue flannel, capri jeans, and black converse with white polka-dots. I just put on my easy makeup; which consists of: mascara, eyeliner, blush, eos lip balm, and skin colored eyeshadow. I put my hair in a messy ponytail, and I'm ready to go.

I climb out my window and onto the tree branch that separates Tobias's and my house. I knock on his window, and he opens it; letting me in.

After I get through the window, I hug Tobias.

"Are you ok? Do you have the flu?" I say, putting my hand to his forehead. "Baby, you're hot."

"I know I am," he smirks.

"I was talking about your forehead silly," I say, playfully smacking his arm. "You need to lay in bed and get some rest." I push him to his bed and he gets under his covers. "I'll be back after school. I love you," I kiss his forehead and climb back out the window.

тιмє ℓαρѕє

Coming to school without Tobias just feels weird to me for some reason. I haven't driven myself there in forever, and now I'm sitting here in my car waiting for a red light to turn green.

I arrive to school about 5 minutes later. I get out of my car with my backpack. I approach the group and they all look slightly puzzled.

"Where's Four?" they all ask at once.

"He has the flu," I respond.

"It's weird not seeing you two together," Christina says. "You're inseparable."

"Yeah, it feels really weird." I talk to Christina for a couple more minutes, and I head to my locker when the bell rings.

I grab my math book and binder, and head to math.

тιмє ℓαρѕє

Lunch; my favorite part of the day.

We sit at our usual table with one empty chair. It's just odd not having Tobias here next to me with his arm around me. I feel unprotected almost. I just miss him. 😣

I throw my half-eaten hamburger in the trash.

I walk out of the lunchroom to my locker to get my stuff for music and art. I close my locker and and turn around. I see Peter walking up to me, so I try to walk away but he pins me to the lockers and starts to kiss me.

I freak out and kick him where the sun don't shine. He falls to the ground and I run to music.

тιмє ℓαρѕє

I pull into my driveway and park my car. I run into my house and up the stairs to my bedroom. I climb out of my window onto the tree branch and wait for Tobias to open his window. I climb in and go to hug Tobias but he cuts me off.

"What the hell Tris?!" he yells.

I take a step back. "What?"

"You know what I'm freaking talking about!"

"No Tobias, I don't. What are you talking about?"

"You kissed Peter!"

"Ok, first; ew, and second; why would I kiss Peter? He was an ass to me for years, so why would I kiss him?"

He pulls out his phone. "An unknown ID sent this to me earlier." He shows me a picture of earlier today when Peter pushed me against the lockers and kissed me.

"Oh my god, Tobias! That's fake, he planned it out! After lunch I went to get my books for music and art, and when I closed my locker and turned around, there he was; he started kissing me. Then I kicked him in the groin and ran off," I say, explaining the whole situation to Tobias. "Why would I cheat on you? And with Peter? Answer that."

"I don't know."

"Exactly. I wouldn't. Especially with Peter."

"I know, I'm sorry baby."

"It's ok. I would've done the same thing if I were you." I hug him and he hugs back.

"I missed you today," I say after a little while.

"I missed you too."

"Valentine's Day is coming up soon."

"Yeah. It's supposed to be in a Saturday."


"Would you like to go on a date with me on Valentine's Day?" he ask.

"I would love to baby." I glance at Tobias's bedside clock; 4:46. "I should probably get going. I love you!"

"I love you too! Sorry about earlier."

"It's ok, baby."


"Bye baby!"

I climb out his window and back into mine.

I close my window.

"Where have you been?" I jump and turn around. Caleb.

"I was just-uh-getting some fresh air."

"Yeah, whatever," he says over his shoulder as he walks out of my room.

A/N: hey! Sorry it has taken so long! We've been testing and it sucks. And I went camping yesterday, and we just got back today, so.... Yeah... I had no service, so I couldn't check on the reads, so it was an amazing surprise to see 7.06k!!!! Thank you so much!!!!!

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