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Hannah woke in bed next to Cal. They had hooked up again while Ella was with Lexi. Cal smiled and kissed her. He grinned. "So we've had sex a dozen times. Does this mean I'm forgiven?" He asked.

Hannah rolled her eyes but smiled. She straddled him. She shrugged. "Maybe. It depends if you can give me a good reason to give you another chance. Then I might just give in to you."

Cal smirked and nodded. He looked up at her and smiled. "I think I can win you back. I love you and I know you love me. Anyone is blind to miss it," he said.

Arriving at the ED, Hannah walked over to Lexi with Cal. She smiled. "Was my Ella bear okay?" Hannah nodded.

"She was. She was golden. Your dad came by. Said he wanted to sort things out for the baby's sake. But I can't go there. He ruined me and I'm not going there," Lexi said.

Hannah smiled. "My dad is an ass. He lost you and now he's realised it, he doesn't want to admit it. He's ruined the family he could have," she told her.

Lexi grinned slightly. She nodded and sighed. "I just.. I have to make this work for me and my daughter. She is literally the only family I have. Im lonely."

"Hey. You're not lonely babes. You've got us. And Ella loves you," Hannah said as she hugged her best friend. "My dad hasn't taken me away from you."


Hannah groaned as Sam walked towards her. She rolled her eyes. "What can I do for you?" She asked as she looked at him.

"How's Lexi? And how are you?"

Hannah rolled her eyes. She looked at her dad. "You know. The fact you asked about your ex girlfriend before your own daughter is just wrong. But I'm okay. Ella is too."

Sam nodded. He smiled. "I saw her last night. She really is a beautiful little girl. You've done an amazing job raising her. I'm proud of you," he said.

Hannah turned to look at him. She smiled. "Thanks dad. She will forgive you at some point. She's just hurt. But give her some time."

"Thank you."

Hannah groaned as a patient threw up on her. Cal walked over to her and smirked. "If it's not Ella, it's a patient. But it does give me a reason to get you out of those scrubs. And I can't wait."

Hannah smirked and winked. "Caleb Knight. Get your mind out of the gutter. But I do think that you can help me get this top off without getting sick in my hair," she said.

Cal took her hand and smiled. He walked off with her. He took her into the changing room and locked the door. He walked over to her and ripped the top off of her. Hannah found herself getting turned on.

Cal lifted her up and held her against the wall. His lips met hers in a heated and passionate kiss. Hannah moaned as she felt his growing erecting against her. She reached down between them and unbuckled his belt.

Cal pulled down the front of his jeans and Hannah's scrub trousers. He pushed her thong to the side. She felt him push in. Hannah bit down on his shoulder to stop her moaning.

Cal began moving in and out of her. Hannah looked into his eyes and smiled. "I love you Cal."

"I love you too."

Hannah kissed him heatedly. She looked at him and smiled. But could she give him that second chance?

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