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Hannah groaned as she woke to hear her phone ringing. She groaned as Cal handed it to her.

Hannah answered it and shot out of bed causing Cal to jump up. "What's happened?" He asked.

"Lexie has gone into labour. She's a eight weeks early. I need to go."

Cal nodded. He kissed her and smiled. "Give Lexi my love. I'll take Ella to crèche and then come to see you," he said.

"Thanks babe."

Hannah arrived at the hospital. Sam was there. He frowned. "Your shift doesn't start for another three hours."

"Lexi went into premature labour. I'm here for her."

Sam nodded and walked off. Hannah rolled her eyes and sighed. "Yeah you're so nice that your baby is being born and you're not there!" She yelled.

Sam turned back to her and glared. "You don't know anything. So stop acting like you do. You're my daughter. And I need your support."


Hannah walked into Lexi room. She smiled and looked at her. "Hey. How you doing?" She asked as she hugged her.

"Hurts. I am never doing this again. And the little demon is premature too," Lexi mumbled.

Hannah smiled and nodded. She shrugged. "At least you get to meet her sooner. So you're gonna be good."

"Yeah. I didn't mean to wake you up. I just had no one else to call," Lexi said.

"Hey. There's no where else I'd rather be. You know that right?" She asked.

"Yeah. Thanks."

Cal arrived at work. He smiled as he saw Hannah. He kissed her. "Ella missed you this morning. She was looking around for you and saying mama."

Hannah smiled. "I'll go see her in the crèche when I've got 10 mins. I just started my shift and it's dragging," she said.

Cal kissed her again. "How's Lex?"

"In pain."

Cal smiled and nodded. "Have you thought about us having another baby? I know I wasn't there for you with Ella. But I want to do it all right this time."

Hannah looked at him in shock. She didn't know how to feel knowing he wanted another baby. Hannah didn't even know if she wanted another baby.

Hannah smiled. "We can talk about it later if you want? As I think it is something we need to have a proper talk about."

Cal nodded and kissed her. He walked off. Hannah sighed and shook her head. She knew that part of her wanted another baby with Cal. But she didn't know if she could trust him to not do what he did when she was pregnant with Ella.

Hannah was sitting in the crèche with Ella who was playing. Ella babbled and handed Hannah the toys. "Wow. You playing with all these?"


Hannah smiled and held her close. She sighed. "Do you want mummy and daddy to have another baby? Or do you want to be our special girl forever?"

Ella blinked as she looked at her mummy. Not understanding. Hannah smiled and kissed her head. "Don't worry bubby."

Hannah and Cal went back to the flat. Hannah smiled as she saw a picture of Lexi's baby. "Hey. Meet Esmè-Belle. My little sister."

Cal grinned. "She looks like you."

Hannah looked at him and smiled. "Maybe we could try for another baby. But I don't want to do it alone," she said.

"You won't. I promise."

The two of them kissed. Cal pulled away and went to make ella some dinner. But would their relationship survive another baby?

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