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Hannah was sitting in the flat with Ella. She looked up as Lexi walked in and smiled. "Hey babes. Everything okay?" She asked.

Lexi nodded. "Yeah. I just came to ask you something. I know you're the baby's sister. But if anything happens to me, I was wondering if you'd consider being the baby's godmother?"

Hannah grinned and nodded. "I'd love to! I'm glad you asked me," she told her as she handed her Ella.

Lexi sighed in relief. "I don't think your dad and I are going to last much longer. We're just not getting on," she said.

Hannah sighed. She looked at her. "The day you told me you were having a girl. I found him with my mum. They'd just had sex," she mumbled.

Lexi looked at her in shock. She felt her heart break. "Why didn't you tell me that day?"

"Because I saw how happy you were. You found out you're having a precious baby girl. I didn't want to ruin it for you."

Lexi nodded. "I hope you don't hate me. But I'm done with your father. He's dead to me."

"I know. I understand."

Arriving at work, Hannah saw her dad. He walked over to her. "You told Lexi?" He asked.

"Yes. I did. She deserves better than you cheating on her. You're a scumbag and I hope she leaves you."

Sam glared at her. "She has left me Hannah. She said she'll stay here. But she's dumped me and she's raising the baby on her own. Thank you."

Hannah rolled her eyes. "You bought it on yourself. You cheated on her. You deserve to be alone."

Before Sam could say anything, Cal walked over. He smiled. "Hey. You okay?" She asked as he looked at her.

Hannah nodded and sighed. She walked off with Cal leaving Sam standing there. Hannah didn't even feel sorry for her dad. She couldn't stand him. Despite everything he had done for her.

Hannah was spending the day in Resus with Connie. She sighed as she looked up to see Cal. "Fancy doing something tonight?" He asked.

Hannah nodded. "Yeah. Sure. I'll ask Lexi to babysit. Where you thinking?"

Cal shrugged. "A meal followed by a club?"

"Sounds lush. I can't wait."

Cal discreetly kissed her and grinned. "Great."

Hannah and Cal took Ella over to Lexi's flat. Hannah smiled. "She's looking forward to spending time with her best friend."

Lexi smiled. "Me too. It gets lonely here. And I don't like it. I miss your dad. But I can't go back there," she told her as she took the little girl from her.

Hannah nodded. "Don't worry about it. Me and Cal are always here for you. I promise."

Hannah and Cal were in the club. Cal pulled her close and smirked. "Do you want to go somewhere?" He asked as he looked at her.

Hannah rolled her eyes but grinned. "I might be getting drunk. But I'm not getting that close with you yet. So back off buddy," she teased as she stood leaning against the bar.

Cal shrugged. He winked at her. "Sooner or later. I'm going to get you back into bed. And I'll do you so good that it'll leave you thinking of me all day."

"Oh I look forward to that day."

Cal smirked. But with their relationship having gone thrice so many challenges, would it go back to how it was before?

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