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Hannah walked into work and sighed to herself. She was drained and tired. She stood in the staffroom and rubbed her back and sighed as she groaned in pain. Cal walked into the room and smiled as he looked to her. He walked over to Hannah and kissed her "are you okay" he asked as she looked to him and smiled "I'm just tired it's nothing" Hannah lied. She was fearing she was loosing the baby. Hannah walked out of the staffroom as cal looked after her frowned as he watched her. He could tell that she was up to something and put it down to just hormones. Hannah walked towards reception and saw Duffy and sighed "Duffy, can I talk to you?" She asked as Duffy looked to her and smiled as they walked into a cubical "I think I'm loosing the baby, I don't feel right and I have back pain" Hannah said as Duffy looked to her and smiled "it's going to be okay" Duffy said unaware that Ethan had heard.

Hannah day back on he bed as Duffy did a scan and looked to her and smiled "everything is okay, it's probably just stress" Duffy said as Hannah started to clean up as cal walked in and looked to Hannah who frowned "cal?" "So this is why you've been off, you thought you were loosing our baby. You should of told me" he said as she looked to him and sighed "I was scared" "you still should of told me, it's my baby too and I have a right to know" he said as Hannah looked to him and rolled her eyes "oh please, you don't even want this baby cal, you were happy at first but now when i talk about it you go cold, I know you don't it so why act like you do" Hannah spat walking off.


Later that day, Hannah walked through the ED and frowned to herself as she saw Alicia who was flirting with cal. She felt bad after their fight and knew he was letting Alicia flirt with him to get to her. Hannah didn't want it to come between them both, she just wished that everything would be okay when she knew that in reality that it wasn't "are you okay?" Ethan asked Hannah as he walked over and stood next to her "do you really thing a relationship should be this hard? It seems impossible" "he loves you, he's just being an idiot" Ethan said as Hannah looked to cal and smiled "he is, but he's my idiot" Hannah said.


Later that day, Hannah walked into the staffroom and looked to see cal as he went to walk off. She grabbed his arm and looked to him "I'm sorry, I was a cow, I was scared. I don't know how to be a mum and I'm sorry" she said as cal looked to her "well you were and your right I don't want this baby and I don't want you" he spat as he walked off as she looked to him heartbroken "I thought you loved me" "well you thought wrong" cal said walking off as Hannah sat down and starting to cry . Hannah grabbed her phone and wiped the tears "dad, I need you" Hannah said as she called Sam, wanting her father there with her.

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