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Hannah and Cal had been trying for another baby. They both knew it was what they wanted. But Hannah was worried that their relationship wouldn't survive.

Cal walked into the bedroom with Ella and smiled. "Hey. Look darling. Mummy is awake," he said as he put her on the bed.

Hannah held her close and smiled. She looked at Cal. "I said I'd pop in and see Lexie. She's waiting for the doctors to say Esmè can come home."

Cal nodded and kissed her. "That's fine. I can drop off madam at the crèche. Oh... and Nibbles offered to mind her tonight. I want to take you for dinner. And then we can baby make," he said as he kissed her.

Hannah smirked. "Oh yes."

Cal drove them to the ED. He took Ella and walked off. Hannah saw her dad and walked over to him. "Have you been to see your daughter yet?" She asked.

Sam sighed. "Lexie won't let me. She says I can't pick and choose when I see her. And I understand that."

"Good. You made her move over here from New York. And yet you just chucked her like she was nothing," Hannah said as she walked off.

Hannah smiled as she walked into the ED. Charlie was there. "Ella is adorable. She gave me an hug and a sweet. I think she had it in her hand. She's a credit to you."

Hannah laughed. "Yeah. That's her cheeky side coming out. But thank you."

"You're more than welcome. Say hello to Lexie for us."

"I shall."

Hannah was about to walk up to maternity when she was pulled into an empty cupboard. She saw Cal with a smirk on his face. "I can't go all day without this," he said as he kissed her heatedly.

Hannah moaned into the kiss and grinned. She looked at him. "Well let that be a taster for tonight."

"Yes please."

The two of them kissed again. Hannah smiled. "I should go be the best big sister," she said.

Hannah smiled as she walked into the NICU. She looked at Lexie. "How's my favourite sister? Don't tell Grace."

Lexie sighed. "She has a problem with her lungs. So they're keeping her in a little longer. I just don't know when these problems are going to stop," she told her.

Hannah smiled and took her hand. "She's going to be okay. Look at who her big sister is. Trust me," she said.

"I asked your dad to come and see her. He said he wants to. But not while I'm here. So I've told him to not not bother."

Hannah frowned. She looked at her. "He told me you didn't want him here because of what happened."

"Not at all. I have to do what's right for Esmè. And she will need her mummy and daddy," Lexie said.

Hannah and Cal fell onto the bed. Cal pushed into her and smirked as he heard her moaning. Hannah arched her back in pleasure as he started moving in and out of her.

Hannah looked up into Cal's eyes and smiled. "I love you."

"I love you too."

The two of them made out as they had sex. But with complications about to come up, could the two of them make their relationship work? Or were they just not meant to be?

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