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Hannah stood in her flat and looked as cal walked in. She liked to him and sighed. Hannah didn't know what was going on with them but she felt as if he was keeping something from her and it was driving her mad.

She knew that they didn't have the most stable relationship but she did love him. She looked as cal picked up Ella and kissed her as Ella giggled away. Hannah knew just what a daddy's girl Ella was

"do you want to talk over what is going on cal. I know you and I know when you are hiding something from me" Hannah said as cal looked to her and smiled

"it's complicated"

"so there is something...just be honest with me. Is there someone else. Have you cheated on me" she asked as he looked to her and smiled

"no. I just didn't want to upset you. Your dad. He paid me to end it with you I know I should of told you but I didn't want to upset you. You and I have been through so much and I love you" he said as he pulled her close and kissed the top of her head. Hannah was shocked.

She couldn't believe that her own father would do that 
Hannah got to work and smiled as she saw Lexi as she sat in the staffroom "did you know he paid cal to leave me" Hannah asked as Lexi looked to her and frowned

"who Sam? I didn't. I'm sorry" Lexi said as Hannah smiled

"you don't need to apologise. I love cal and we are family just because we aren't living together. Just what gives my father the right. Cal and I have been through some stuff. He hurt me when he didn't want Ella but we are past it and he loves her right now. He does and it's something neither of us ever want Ella to know. It's a mess" Hannah said as Lexi smiled

"Sam is a jerk he is still being a jerk to me and I am thinking of going home and then I don't know. Having this baby which doesn't seem to care about" Lexi said as Hannah looked to her and smiled as she walked over to where she said sitting and hugged her

"you don't have to leave because of him. I am here and I love you she we can make it work. I am here for you. Your my best friend so screw him" Hannah said as Lexi smiled. Lexi didn't know what to think or do when it came to him

Hannah smirked as she walked down the hallway as she was grabbed and pulled into the on call room. She looked to see cal and smirked

"someone is happy to see me" she teased as he pulled her close and kissed her. Hannah smirked into the kiss as it got more passionate as he lead her over to the bed.

They stripped off as he pulled her close and pushed into her. She moaned against his touch as she dug her nails into his back as he started to move in and out of her unaware as they had sex that everything was going to change for them

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