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Hannah lay in bed next to ella who babbled away. Hannah knew that her head was a mess and she had no idea what to do when it came to her and cal

Hannah knew that she loved him and how great it was but Hannah knew how everything changes when she fell pregnant and he freaked and how she didn't know what to do.

She knew that he was a good dad to Ella and that he adored her more than anything but she really had no idea what she was going to do and if she was prepared to give cal another chance. Hannah sighed as she sat up and ran a hand through her hair as Ella sat with her doll and smiled

"should be get ready for nursery" Hannah asked as Elle looked to her and grinned as she lifted her arms to be picked up. Hannah picked her up and smiled as she kissed the top of her head and sighed

"mummy loves you so much and so does daddy and I don't know if mummy trusted daddy yet but you are our little princess and you matter the most" Hannah said as Ella looked to her and giggled.

Hannah knew that she needed to make a decision of her and cal and what she was going to do

Hannah got to work and walked into the staffroom and smiled as she saw Lexi who looked to her

"you look tired" Lexi said

"Ella is teething and she's not sleeping but I'll be fine. I'm going to ask cal to have her he's her dad after all. Have you sorted things with my dad yet, I know he's a jerk but he wouldn't turn his back on a child" Hannah said as Lexi looked to her and sighed

"I don't know, I just feel like he doesn't care. He meet someone else Han and I'm alone and I'm hormonal and I'm pregnant and I don't know if I can do this" Lexi said as Hannah walked over to her and hugged her and smiled

"your not alone. No matter what I promise you, you are strong and I am here. Look I'll ask cal to have Ella to night and we will have a girly night in, no talk of cal or my dad, okay" Hannah said as Lexi looked to her and smiled

"that sounds perfect" Lexi said as Hannah smiled.

Hannah knew that she needed a break from looking after Ella and she needed a break from the mess that was her and cal and she needed time to think before she made a decision over them and if they had a future together

Hannah stood in cubicles as cal walked over "I need you to have Ella tonight, I promised Lexi a girl night she's down and Ella is teething" Hannah said as cal looked to her and nodded

"of course I'll have her. Then maybe we can talk about us" cal asked as Hannah looked to him and sighed

"I need some time to think over us, as I don't went to rush into anything" Hannah said as cal nodded but could Hannah actually give cal another chance?

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