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Hannah sighed to herself as she woke up in bed next to cal. She stood up and sighed as she started to get dressed as she felt am arm wrap around her waist and pulled her close "and where are you going? Come back to bed" he said as she looked to him and sighed "cal it was just sex and nothing more" she said as he looked to her and smirked "then give me sex" he said as he pulled her onto the bed and kissed her. She ran her hands through his hair and moaned as they made out passionately as he ran his hands up her thighs causing her to moan as he started to pleasure her. Hannah moaned to herself as she rolled her head back and groaned. He pulled away and smirked as he grabbed a condom off of the side and slid it on. She climbed on top of him and moan as she felt him push into her.

Hannah moves her hips against his and moaned as he ran his hands up Her body as she felt herself reach her climax as he followed her. She rolled over and lay on the bed breathless as he ran a hand up her thigh and smirked to her "I meant what I said cal, we can't be together we don't work" she said as he looked to her and smirked "we do though Hannah" cal said as she looked to him and smiled "you know it's not true cal and I don't trust you cal, we can't have anything if we don't have trust" Hannah said as cal looked to her and nodded. He knew that she was right but could he find a way to win her around even if it meant them just sleeping together


Lexi stood in the staffroom with Sam, they were arguing over cal and Hannah "you need to leave it sam" "she's my daughter I cant" "you have too, Hannah is old enough to make her decisions and you need to respect that" Lexi said as Sam looked to her and rolled his eyes "how can I?" He asked as Lexi sighed "because Hannah will only hate you if you end up interfering in her life. She knows what she is doing with cal, they aren't even together. He hurt her and she can't forgive that. If you can't leave it for Hannah than do it for Ella she is your granddaughter and she doesn't need it" Lexi said as Sam looked to her and sighed. He knew she was right but he didn't trust cal around his daughter


Connie frowned to herself as she walked into her office and saw Hannah "Hannah?" She said as Hannah looked up at her and sighed "sorry I just needed a moment" Hannah said as Connie nodded. She walked over and sat next to Hannah "are you okay" Connor asked as Hannah sighed "no, everything is a mess and o don't oboe what to do, with cal. I just don't know" Hannah said as Connie hugged her and smiled "it's going to all be okay, you'll see" Connie said as Hannah looked to her and smiled hoping she was right

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