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One year later**

A year had passed. It had been a year since Hannah had left holby and gone to America to be with Sam. She had given birth to a little girl, cals little girl. She had named her baby Ella-Alexis. She was the double of cal which only broke Hannah's heart even more. She knew that cal would be a great dad but knew that the way that he treated her wasn't right and that deep down that she knew that he wasn't ready to be a father, Hannah knew that a part of her had always known. Hannah walked out of her room in sams flat and smiled as she saw Lexi and grace who were entertaining Ella who was looking to them and giggling away. Sam walked out of the bathroom and smiled as he looked to Hannah "hey, you okay" he asked as she looked to him and nodded "I was just thinking over cal" she said as he looked to her and smiled.

Hannah looked to her phone as it rang and frowned as saw it was Charlie. She knew it was eight in the morning in the New York so knew that it was around one in the afternoon back in the UK and was confused over why Charlie was calling her. She walked out of the kitchen and answered the phone and sighed "Charlie, what it is? Is everything okay" she asked as she heard Charlie sigh "have you spoken to Connie" he asked as Hannah frowned "no, why" "she was attacked. She's in a bad way" Charlie said as Hannah frowned to herself "Is she okay" she asked "she's fragile and she needs you" "I'll be on the next plane back" Hannah said as she hung up as Sam looked to her and frowned "plane back? Are you heading home" he asked as Hannah nodded "it's mum, she's been attacked" Hannah said as Sam looked to her and smiled "then we're all heading back" he said.


Hours later, Hannah got back to holby and got to the hospital and smiled as she saw Connie as she sat in a side resus. She walked in and looked to her and smiled "mum, are you okay" she asked as Connie looked to her and frowned "what are you doing here" Connie asked as Hannah looked to her and smiled "you don't think I wasn't going to come, Charlie called me" Hannah said as Connie looked to her and smiled "you didn't need to" she said as Hannah looked to her and smiled "of course I did, I'm here and don't even think of pushing me away" Hannah said as Connie looked to her and smiled. Hannah could see just how fragile that Connie really was.


Later that day, Hannah walked out of resus and frowned as she came face to face with cal. He looked to her and frowned as if he had just seen a ghost "Hannah" he said as she looked to him and shock her head "don't" "please, I'm sorry. I still love you" he said as she looked to him and rolled her eyes "it's a little to late cal" she spat annoyed hat he was doing this "please, I made a mistake" he said as she looked to him and rolled her eyes "go to hell" she spat as she walked off.

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