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Hannah knew how things with her and Cal were getting more and tense. She knew they had been bickering an awful lot. And she knew it was down to him not telling who the blonde was.

Hannah knew she wanted to hope Cal wasn't cheating on her but she had no idea what she was going to do if he had.

She knew how their seemingly perfect little family would be ruined and she didn't want that for Ella. She didn't want what she had. A broken family as she knew it wasn't fair.

When morning came, Hannah woke in bed and sighed. Cal wasn't there. She saw ella asleep next to her which meant Cal had put her there.

She put the pillows around so Ella wouldn't fall. She left the bedroom and saw Cal there. She sighed. "What's going on? We're always arguing and I'm sick of it. I only wanted to know who she was. The blonde you were talking to."

Cal sighed. "She's no one babe. I promise you," he said.

"Then who is she? If she's no one, you wouldn't mind telling me," Hannah said as she looked to him.

Cal looked away from her. He could tell her. He couldn't break her like that. "It doesn't matter babe," he said as he walked into the bedroom.

Hannah stood there and sighed. She had no idea how she was going to cope. She didn't know what to do.

All she knew was that she had to find out who the blonde was. Before she lost Cal to her.

Hannah went into work. She smiled widely as she saw Lexie. She walked over to her. "What are you doing here?" She asked.

Lexie smiled. "I got told off for keeping Esmè away. So she's having her first visit to the ED. Plus I'm needing to talk to Sam," she told her.

Hannah nodded as she took her baby sister. Lexie looked to her. "You seem tense. What's up?" She asked.

Hannah sighed. She looked to her. "Cal and I keep arguing. I saw him with a blonde woman. And he won't tell me who she is. I just want to know if he's going to leave me," she mumbled.

Lexie frowned. "He's cheated on you?"

"I don't know. He won't tell me anything. But I'm worried that I'm going to lose him. That Ella and I are going to lose him. I can't cope again," Hannah said as she fought back the tears.

"He wouldn't cheat on you. You're both too good together. And he's not Sam. He wouldn't cheat," Lexie said as she pulled her best friend into an hug.

Cal was sitting in the staffroom. He looked up as Lexie walked in. "Hey."

"Do not hey me Caleb Knight. What the hell are you playing at? Hannah is in bits thinking you're going to leave her. She's my best friend and my baby's sister. So she's family. And if you have cheated on her, I will personally rip out your little Cal and feed it to the foxes," Lexie said.

Cal sighed. "Stay out of it."

"No. I won't. Because she's in bits. Sort it out Cal," Lexie said as she turned and walked off.

Cal found Hannah sitting outside. He sat with her. "When we go home, I'll tell you everything," he said.

Hannah looked to him and nodded. But what would this mean for their relationship?

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