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Hannah sighed to herself as she got to work. She yawned as she stood in the staffroom against her locker. She was tired and she had been up most of the night with Ella and she wasn't in the mood. Hannah groaned as cal walked in "whatever it is cal I am not in the mood for it" she said as he looked to her "please hannah" "no, Hannah I love you and Ella and I want to be involved. I am her father, we should be a family" he said as she looked to him and rolled her eyes "well, we could of been one. You know that, you pushed me away and you said that you didn't want us, but you told me that you didn't want it but you are right you are Ella's dad and i am not going to stop you from being in her life. You deserve to be her dad but you and I are not going to happen we are over" Hannah said

Hannah went to walk off as he grabbed her arm and pulled her close. They held a look as she looked to him with tears in her eyes and sighed "please" cal said "o can't, I can't do it cal. I can't do us and it's not fair on Ella. We are over okay and I mean it" Hannah said as she went to walk out of the staffroom as Sam walked in. He grabbed Hannah's arm and looked to her and smiled "are you okay Han?" Sam asked as Hannah looked to him and sighed "I will be if people would leave me alone, just keep him away from me. I can't deal With it" she said as she walked off. Sam looked after her and frowned as he looked to cal "stay away from her"

Lexi walked into the staffroom and frowned as she saw Hannah and cal. There was tension between them. Lexi watched as cal walked off as she walked over to Hannah and smiled "so what's going on there" Lexi asked as Hannah looked to her and smiled "nothing, nothing at all" Hannah said as Lexi looked to her and rolled her eyes "I know you and I know you still feel something for him, all I'm saying is that people mess up and it's okay to give him another chance if you love him" Lexi said as Hannah looked to her and sighed "and what if he hurts me again, I couldn't cope if he did not again" Hannah said as Lexi smiled "it's possible but you could be really happy too" Lexi said as Hannah looked to her and sighed not knowing what to do


Hannah Walked into the on call room and groaned as she looked to cal. He was Topless and Hannah knew she still lusted after him "Hannah are you okay" cal asked "fine" Hannah said as cal smirked. He walked over to her and smirked "I know you still want me" he said as he leant in and kissed him. Hannah wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him close as he pushed her onto the bed as they stripped off. He climbed on top of her and pushed into her causing her to moan as he started to move in and out of her. But how long could Hannah say that she didn't want cal for?

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