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A/N; Lexi and any kiddies she has belongs to _X_Sammii_X_


Hannah sighed to herself as she walked into Sams flat in New York. She had grown up most of her life in New York and her home felt empty, it felt completely and utterly empty. Hannah walked over to the window that viewed the sky line of the city. She wrapped her arms around herself as she started to cry as Sam walked over to her and smiled as he pulled her into a hug and smiled "don't worry, it's going to be okay" Sam said as he hugged Hannah close as she sobbed into his chest "I don't know what to do dad, I don't know how I'm going to do this. How am I meant to have this baby when he isn't here. I can't do it" she sobbed as Sam looked to her and smiled "you can, your not alone and if their father is an idiot he doesn't deserve you or your baby, I haven't let you down and I won't now" he said as she looked to him and smiled.

"Sam?" A voice said as a girl not much older than Hannah walked out of the bedroom and frowned "Hannah, this is my girlfriend Lexi, Lexi this is my other daughter Hannah. She decided to come home after her scum of a boyfriend let her down again" Sam said as Lexi looked to her and smiled "I've heard so much about you, it's nice to meet you" Lexi said "nice to meet you" Hannah said as Sam looked to her and smiled "why don't you go and get your head down, you look exhausted and you need your rest besides the jet lag doesn't help" Sam said as Hannah looked to him and smiled "sure" Hannah said as she walked off to her room and sighed as she lay on her bed trying to not think over Caleb knight.


The next morning, Hannah walked out into the kitchen and saw Lexi and smiled "I made coffee" she said as Hannah frowned "thanks but I can't, I'm pregnant and it makes me sick" Hannah said as Lexi looked to her and frowned "is that why your back? Sam told me something went down and that you went back with him when grace got ill but met someone" Lexi said as Hannah nodded "i got pregnant, we were happy or so I thought. I thought I was loosing the baby and there was a big fight and it turns out he lied to me, he didn't want the baby or me" she said as Lexi looked to her and smiled "well if you ask me he is an idiot and he needs to grow up" "your telling me"

Hannah looked down at her phone and sighed as she looked to the photo of her and cal and sighed before she looked to her scan photo. She smiled as she rested a hand on her bump and smiled. She knew that she may be about to become a single parent but she was far from alone. She had her family and she really needed them right now.

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