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Hannah sighed as she stood in front of the mirror. She was starting to work at holby ED as a nurse She wanted to help out for a few weeks before she went back to America. Hannah wanted to make sure that Grace was okay, before she went home. Hannah pulled her hair into a bun before she stood from the car. She walked into the ED and into the staffroom and saw cal who was sitting with ethan. He looked to her and smiled "hey, I didn’t know you were a nurse?" He said as she looked to him "how would you? I never told you" Hannah said as she walked over to her locker and took a drink of the water bottle that she had in her locker. She walked out into cubials and sighed. Cla folowed her and smiled to her "what?" She asked as he smirked slightly "you look hot in that uniform" he said as Hannah rolled her eyes. "nice try doctor knight, I'm not that easy" Hannah said as she went to walk off. She knew that she was teasing him and making him work, but she wasn’t going to make things easy for him, not one bit.


Hannah walked over to reception as Cal handed her a coffee. She smiled to him and hook it "thanks" she said as he smiled to her "you know if you give us, a chance I could be buying you coffee in the morning" Cal said as Hannah looked to him and smiled "could you now?" She asked as he smirked "who said there was an us anyways?" Hannah asked as Cal looked to her and smirked "don’t lie, you know that you want it as I do" Cal said as Hannah took a sip of her coffee "no, I don’t. Besides I don’t do boyfriends, especially with the ones I work with" Hannah said as Cal rolled his eyes "well see" he said as he smirked after her as she walked away.

Hannah walked off from treating a patient and sighed to herself. She looked to see Cal, and rolled her eyes. She spotted Sam who was walking down from upstairs. He had been to see Grace. Hannah looked at Cal for a moment before she walked over to her father and smiled to him "how's grace?" Hannah asked as Sam smiled "she's getting there, it's going to be hard. I don't think we will be heading back to America for a while" Sam said as Hannah nodded "it's fine, we can stay as long as we need" Hannah said as Sam smiled to her. He pulled Hannah into a hug and smiled "I'm glad you're okay, han, I can always count on you" Sam said as Hannah smiled "I'm not going anywhere" she said.


Hannah stood at the bar in the pub that night and looked to Cal as he walked in. He walked over to her and smiled "so, I've been thinking" he said as she smirked slightly "dangerous business" "I'm been thinking that you are avoiding me, because that you secretly want me like I want you" Cal said as Hannah chuckled slightly "oh please, we both know I am out of your league" Hannah said as Cal looked to  her smirking "oh i know, but it doesn’t stop me from trying. Besides out of my league or not, you want it, you want us to happen" Cal said as he placed a hand on her lower back. Hannah felt her breath stop in her throat at his touch. She turned to look at him for a moment as she stepped closer to him and leant in and kissed him. He pulled her to him as he deepened the kiss. She ran her hands through his hair before she pulled away. She looked to him and smirked "just something for you to think about "Hannah said before she walked off smirking to herself, leaving Cal hanging.

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