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Hannah lay in bed as cal walked into the room. He sat on the bed next to her and ran a hand through her messy hair and smiled "hey" he said as she looked to him and smiled. Hannah had been staying with cal at his flat as she learnt the truth about Connie and how she was her mother. Hannah hadn't even been at work for the past week "do you feel like getting up?" He asked as she looked to him and shock her head. Cal looked to her and sighed. He was worried over her and how she was acting. He placed a hand on her cheek and smiled "you need to get up" he said as she looked to him with tears in her eyes "they lied to me cal" she said as he smiled.

"I know but you need to get up and shower and go to work" cal said as Hannah looked to him. He sighed as he killed her up and looked to her and smiled "it will be okay" he said as he looked to him and smiled as he kissed her forehead. "She's my mum and watched me grow up without her, she was never there for me" Hannah said as he looked to her and smiled "I know, I get that our upset and mad but it's not going to change if, you still have a change to have a relationship with her" he said as she looked to him " I do?" She asked as he nodded "yes, I didn't with Emilie as she was dying but you do with Connie" cal said as she looked to him and smiled.


Hannah got to work later hat morning and sighed to herself as she saw Sam. He looked to her and smiled "I'm sorry, are you okay?" He asked as she shrugged and looked to him "why didn't you tell me?" She asked as he sighed "I thought I was protecting you, Connie wasn't ready to be a mum and I didn't want to seem as if she didn't want you as you did, grace is awake" Sam said as Hannah looked to him and smiled. Hannah walked off to graces hospital room and smiled as she saw her sister was awake. She walked over and hugged her and smiled as she saw Connie. Connie looked to her and sighed "I'm sorry Hannah I know that your mad with me" Connie said as Hannah looked to her and sighed "there's no point, it's going to change anything is it?" Hannah said as Connie looked to her and smiled.


Later that day, Hannah sat in the staffroom as cal walked in and looked to her and smiled "I am taking you out tonight and you need it,  you need to be cheered up" cal said as she looked to him and smiled "your amazing" she said as she looked to him and smiled as he placed his hands on her hip and pulled her close and kissed her.  "Your amazing and I love you" he said as she looked to him and frowned. Cal see that she was slowly freaking out over what he said "it's okay" he said as she looked to him and smiled. "I love you Hannah and I promise things will be okay" he said as he kissed her as she looked to him and smiled "I love you too" she said as she leant in and kissed him.

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