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Hannah sighed as she sat in her flat and sighed. She placed a hand on her small bump and sighed as she heard a knock at the door. She stood up and walked to the door and smiled as she saw Sam. He walked in and looked to her and frowned as he walked over and sat next to her on the sofa. He could tell just how hurt and heartbroken that his daughter was and he knew it was all down to cal knight. Sam wanted to kill him for it but he knew it wouldn't help Hannah and it was the last thing that she wanted or needed. "I'm going back to America, I'm going with grace and I want you to come with me" he said as she looked to him and frowned "why, I have a life here and what about mum I mean is she really letting you take grace" she asked as Sam looked to her and smiled

"That's the first time you have referred to her as your mum, Connie and I have talked and we have agreed it's for the best, Connie wants the best for grace and I want it for you, I'm not stupid and I can see how this is effecting you. Cal has broke your heart all because you thought you were loosing the baby, you were scared and he should of understand that. Come home with me, I'm your dad let me look after you" Sam said as Hannah looked to him and sighed. She ran her hands through her hair and sighed as she looked to him. She knew how he was worried and that America would possibly be her best start away from cal but she still felt as if there was still some hope for them. Hannah looked to Sam and smiled "I'll think about it" she said as he looked to her and smiled "good"


Later that day, Hannah got back to the ED and sighed. She walked into the staffroom and sighed as she looked to cal "we need to talk" she said as he looked to her and rolled her eyes "I have nothing to say to you" he said as she looked to him and rolled her eyes "cal please, we're Having a baby and we need to talk. I'm sorry" she said as she grabbed his arm as he pulled away from her and glared "I told you how I felt, I want nothing to do with you or that baby" he spat as she looked to him with tears in her eyes "fine, have it your way" she said as she stormed off.

Hannah walked into connies office as Connie walked over to her and smiled. She knew how heartbroken that she was over cal "your going aren't you" Connie asked as Hannah looked to her with tears in her eyes "I have too, I can't stay here and have his baby not like this. Not when he doesn't want me, not when he doesn't love me anymore. I can't do it" she said as Connie looked to her and smiled "it's okay, I'll miss you" Connie said as Hannah smiled. Hannah got a cab home and sighed as she packed her stuff. She grabbed her back and her passport as she got to the airport and smiled as she saw Sam "ready?" He asked as she looked. She glanced over her shoulder one last time and nodded as she got on the plane ready to leave holby for good. But would she be back?

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