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Hannah walked into work and into the staffroom as she saw lexi. She looked to she and sighed

"I need to talk to you over something" Hannah said as Lexi turned to her and smiled

"what's up"

"I found a pregnancy test kit in the bin, is there something that you want to tell me, is my dad about to become a daddy again?" Hannah asked as lexi nodded

"he is, I'm pregnant and I don't know what to do" lexi said as she sat down and ran her hands through her hair as Hannah sat down and looked to her and smiled. She could see how scared that lexi was

"I was terrified when I feel pregnant and I was alone. I went back to America and had Ella but I knew that she needed cal, I know your scared but I'm here for you and I am here to help you and he is a good dad and he will be there for you" Hannah said as lexi smiled

"we aren't getting on, he doesn't care about me, he is spending a lot of time with your mum and it's worrying me. I think that he is cheating on me and I don't know how to handle it. I'm pregnant and I have no idea what to do" lexi said

Hannah looked to her and smiled as she wrapped an arm around her and pulled her into a hug

"no matter what is going on between both of you, you are pregnant and it is his baby so he needs to know. You need to sort whatever is going on between you and decide what you are going to do. After all, you have a baby coming in this world together and you need to sort it" Hannah said as lexi looked to her and smiled.

Lexi didn't know what she was going to do when it came to her and Sam and she didn't know if they could make it work even if they were having a baby but lexi knew that If he was cheating on her that she couldn't forgive him for doing it to her. She didn't know if she and Sam has a future anymore


Hannah smirked as she walked into the on call room and smirked as she saw cal

"I've been Waiting for you"

"well I have a job to do doctor knight unlike you" she said as he walked over to her and pulled her close and kissed her, she wrapped her arms around his neck and smirked into the kiss as he lead her over to the bed as they stripped off. She moaned as he pulled her close and pushed into her causing her to moan as she dug her nails into his back as she started to move in and out of her, Hannah kissed him passionately as she felt herself reach her high as he followed her and pulled her close as she lay in his arms for a moment

"I know what that this is and it's jut sex for you Han but I love you and we have a child together and I am not going to stop until I have you back" he said as Hannah looked to him and sighed

"it's never going to Happen cal"

"well see" cal said smirking. He'd do anything to get her back


Hannah got back to sams flat and frowned as she saw him sitting on the sofa holding a letter and frowned as she looked to him

"dad, are you okay" she asked as he looked to her and sighed

"lexi left" he said as he handed the letter that lexi had left. Hannah looked to it and frowned as she realised that lexi had gone back to America and that she wasn't coming back and that Sam still had no idea how she was pregnant with his baby and that she was gone

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