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Hannah walked into the ED. She saw Lexi standing there. She looked at her. "Hey. Is everything okay?" She asked.

Lexi nodded. "Your dad is here with his new girlfriend. And they're rubbing my nose in it. I'm sick of it," she told her.

Hannah sighed and looked at her. "I'm sorry babes. You don't deserve that."

Lexi shrugged. "Oh well. I'm just going to have to raise my baby alone. I don't mind that. But... I just want to have someone there for me."

"I'm there for you babes. I promise."

Hannah found Cal sitting in the staffroom. She looked at him. "How are you? You didn't come over last night."

"Yeah sorry babe. I passed out at home."

Hannah nodded and smiled. She sat on his lap. "Ella missed you. She looked around for you this morning," she told him.

Cal smiled and nodded. He kissed her. "Tonight, I'll come over. We'll order some pizza and then have a movie night with our girl," he said.

Hannah nodded. She got up and walked off. She couldn't help but feel like Cal was hiding something from her. And she was worried. She didn't know if she could cope with losing him again.

Hannah saw her dad and walked over. She glared. "Why are you rubbing your so called relationship in Lexi's face? She's having your kid for gods sake."

Sam sighed. "If she can't bear to see me happy, then what is she still doing here? She came back from New York. So she must love me," he said.

"She bloody does love you. But she is hurt by what you've done. You have broken her and it sucks so badly. I don't think you know that."

"Get over it."

Hannah pulled Cal into the On Call room. He smirked as she kissed him heatedly. Hannah pushed him onto the bed and straddled him. She looked at him. "I can't stop thinking about you."

"Oh I know. I love you."

"I love you too my beautiful girl."

The two of them kissed again. Hannah began grinding against them. She looked into his eyes. "Don't ever hurt me again. Please."

"I won't."

Hannah took down his jeans and she adjusted herself so that she could take his member. Cal thrust his hips up into her and they both moaned at the contact. Hannah began grinding against him.

Within moments, they both climaxed. Hannah groaned and got off of him. She looked at him and kissed him. "I'll see you later yeah?"


Hannah felt like Cal was being off with her. She didn't know what she had done. She sat in the staffroom and sighed. She saw Cal with Ethan and there was tension between them.

Hannah smiled as she saw Lexi. She walked over to her. "Fancy going shopping this weekend? Get prepped for little sister?" She asked.

Lexi nodded and sighed. She looked at her. "Is Cal okay? I've noticed how you haven't been close today," she said.

Hannah shrugged and sighed. "I don't know what's going on. We haven't seen each other in days."

Lexi took her hand and smiled. "It'll be okay. I promise"

But what was Cal hiding from Hannah and would it tear them apart?

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