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Hannah groaned as she heard Ella babbling through the baby monitor. She climbed out of bed and walked through to the nursery.

Hannah picked up her daughter and grinned. "Hello cutie muffin," she said as she kissed her head.

Hannah carried Ella through to the bedroom. She saw Cal sitting up in bed. He took Ella and let Hannah climb back into bed. "She been awake long?" He asked.

"Only five minutes ago. She's getting better with the sleeping. So I think we will be able to get more sleep."

"Or have more sex."

Hannah rolled her eyes and smirked. She looked at him. "You're an actual sex pest. You know that right?" She said as she looked at him.

Cal nodded. He winked. "You love it."

Hannah and Cal walked into the staffroom after taking Ella to daycare. Hannah smiled as she saw Lexie sitting there. "Hey hot mama. How you doing?" She asked as she looked at her.

Lexie shrugged and smiled. "I'm okay I think. I can't sleep now. Carrying this madam around is getting tiring."

Hannah grinned. "Wait until you have her. And you have to deal with the sleepless nights. Have you even spoke to my dad?" She asked.

Lexie shook her head and smiled. "Nope. He's ignoring me now. I don't care. I just have to make sure that I provide for my baby. My mum is coming to help me when I've had her."

Hannah grinned. "I haven't met your mum. What's she like?"

"She's a red head. She's fiery and she literally says what she's feeling," Lexie said.

"Yes! Everything I love in a mamma."

Hannah was standing with Cal. She looked up as Sam walked towards her. He smiled. "Hey. How are you?" He asked as he looked at her.

Hannah nodded. "I'm fine thank you father. How are you?"

Sam sighed. "Can we stop with the hostility? I'm sorry for whatever it is I've done."

"You abandoned your unborn baby. You've been trying to split up me and Cal. Cal has done nothing but love and support me. He's made mistakes, yes. But haven't we all? So back off of me and my relationship and focus on trying to win Lexie back so you can be in your baby's life," Hannah said as she walked off.

Hannah went over to Lexie's new flat. She smiled as she walked in with Ella. "Cal is working a double so I'm all yours."

Lexie laughed and nodded. "Your dad text me. He wants to sort it out for the sake of the baby. I wanted that. But now I'm not so sure."

Hannah handed Ella to her and smiled. "I know how hard it is. I literally went through something similar with Cal. But it will all work out in the end. I know it will."

Lexie sighed. "I just don't know. It feels like he's up to something. I can't... I just... I want to focus on the baby. And making it work," she told her.

Hannah took her hand and smiled. She looked at her. "I know you. And I know you can do this," she told her.


Hannah looked to see Ella as she sat on the floor and played. She had no idea how everything was going to come crashing down in front of her.

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