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Hannah stood in the flat and looked to cal "so are you going to tell me what is going on. As if it is because you don't love me and don't want to be with me anymore then I think I deserve to know" Hannah said. Hannah knew that she was trying to hard

She was trying to be strong. She was trying to make it work and it scared her. She was scared that cal had bet someone else and that he didn't want her anymore

"Why wouldnt I want you han. I love you so much your the best thing that's happened to me. Do you really think I'd mess up again. I cheated and hurt you once and I'd never do it the same. Look...it's was Taylor who I was talking too" he said as Hannah frowned

Hannah knew all over Taylor and what she had done. She had been the one to break cals heart "what...what does she want" Hannah asked

"Money. She says she's in some sort of trouble and wants money. The only money I have is what I put in Ella's account" he said as she frowned

"We can't"

"I know babe look it is a mess but I'll sort it I promise" cal said

"I hate how she is messing with your head. She did enough of that in the past" Hannah said

"I know. I know that your worried but you don't need to be. I know Taylor and I know all her games and what she is capable of and I will sort this. I promise" he said as he placed a hand in her cheek and smiled

Hannah looked to him and smiled as he leant in and kissed her. Hannah knew just how messy that things were

Hannah got to work and stood in the staffroom. She looked as Lexie walked in and smiled as she looked to Hannah. She could tell that there was something going on with her

"Are you okay" Lexie asked as Hannah smiled

"I'm thinking over what to do. Taylor turned up. That's tho call was talking too. She wants money and the only money we have is Ella's. Her trust fund for what she's twenty one. I know that she's fleeced cal before" Hannah said as Lexie smiled

"Don't worry if he is stupid to do it again he can't he needs your approval too. Look Taylor had only ever cared after herself and no one else. It will be okay. Cal will do the right thing" Lexie said as Hannah looked to her and smiled

Hannah wanted to believe her and hoped that she was right. Hannah knew that she just didn't trust Taylor at all

Hannah walked outside as she went in her break. She frowned as she saw cal who was strong with a blonde. She knew it was Taylor. Hannah sighed to herself as she dumped her coffee in the bin and walked over to them

"Cal" she said as cal smiled

"It's nothing to worry over" he said as Taylor looked to her

"New bite I see cal. I bet you can afford to buy her stuff I am not asking for a lot please I am in trouble" Taylor said as Hannah looked to her and glared.

Hannah didn't trust her at all "I said no. Leave me alone or I will call the police Taylor" cal said as he wakes off with Hannah and lead her inside

"It is going to be okay isn't it" Hannah asked as cal smiled

"You have nothing to worry about i Promise" he said as he leant in and kissed her. But was cal right?

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