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Hannah sighed to herself as she woke up in bed with cal. They had ended up sleeping together although Hannah knew it was nothing and that it meant nothing.

Hannah walked out of the room as she walked into ellas room and picked her up. She held her close and kissed the top of her head as cal walked into the room.

She turned to face him and smiled as he took Ella from her

"can we talk?" He asked as she sighed

"what do we have to talk about?" She asked as he sighed

"I don't know babe, I want us back how about that. You know what you mean to me? I made a mistake and I love you and we have a child together and I want to make us work. Don't you?" He asked as she looked to him and sighed

"it would be easy to try again cal but I can't, you know how you treated me and Ella and it broke my heart and I can't put myself through that again" she said as she went to walk off

"I know what I did but let me show you I have changed and you can trust me" he said as she looked to him and sighed

"you can try but there really is no point" Hannah said as she walked off

Hannah got to work and took Ella into the crèche. She got her settled and went to get changed into her scrubs.

Cal was waiting for her. Hannah sighed. "Cal. Please. Just give me some time to sort my head out. Everything is a mess and I can't handle it," she said.

Cal looked at her. "I know that you want me still. The sex, it's amazing. But we're worth so much more than a quick hook up. We both know it," he told her.

Hannah rolled her eyes. "I told you. I don't trust you. So you either take the sex only and it continues. Or you continue to try and make it more, and it ends all together. It's your choice Cal."

Hannah saw Lexi and smiled. She walked over to her. "Well?"

"It's a girl. Your dad didn't show up so I did it alone. He doesn't know about our baby girl yet."

Hannah smiled. "At the end of the day, I'm having a little sister. Ella is going to have a best friend! I can't wait!" She said.

Lexi laughed and nodded. "Yeah. I can't wit either. But I'm worried that Sam will reject me. It's like there is something going on with him and your mum. They're always together. And I know that they have two kids together. But I'm having his baby too."

Hannah pulled her into a hug and smiled. "I'll talk to him. I'll make him see sense Thai what he's doing isn't fair on you or the baby."

"Thank you."

Hannah was standing outside her father's office. She walked in and frowned when she saw her mum sitting on the desk looking disheveled. Sam was sitting on his chair. His hair a mess. "Wow. You missed your baby's scan to hook up with mum?"

"Lexi had a scan?"

Hannah scoffed. "Yes. She told you didn't she? She's having a girl by the way."

Hannah was standing outside of Cal's flat. She was dropping Ella off for a little bit. Cal smiled. "I've been thinking that maybe we could go out this weekend? Like Lexi could babysit. And we could get to know each other."

Hannah smiled slightly. As much as she wanted to give Cal a second chance, she didn't know if she could truly trust him.

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