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Hannah groaned as she woke in bed. She and Cal had been arguing last night and she didn't know why. It just came out of nowhere.

Hannah sighed as Cal walked into the bedroom. She looked at him. "What happened last night? We were fine and then we just started arguing? What the hell happened?" She asked.

Cal sighed. "I don't want to talk about it. I just... I don't."

"Well we need to. Because something has happened for you to just switch on me like that. I didn't do anything to deserve it. We have a daughter together," Hannah said.

Cal nodded. "I was just having a bad day. Okay? I'm sorry. I just... I don't know. Look, go see Lexie and spend some time with the baby before your shift."

"Okay. Fine."

Hannah arrived over at Lexie's. She smiled as she walked in. "I came to see my cutie sister."

"She's just gone down for a nap. But I would love some company. I have nothing to do at all. My whole head is a mess. I let your dad come round. He told me he still loved me and wanted to give us a try. But I found out he's booked tickets for him and Grace to New York. Only for him and Grace."

Hannah frowned. "He's going?"

Lexie shrugged. She looked at her. "I wanted to give him a second chance. You know that right?"

"He's an ass babes. You and Esmè are better off away from him," Hannah said.

Lexie nodded. "How's Ella? I miss my little bestie."

Hannah smiled and looked to her. "She's okay. She misses you too. She loves you."

Hannah went into work. She saw Cal and walked over to him. "Hey. You know I love you right?"

"I know. I love you too."

Hannah looked to him. She kissed him and smiled. "I saw my sister. And she is the cutest little thing ever."

"Good. Your dad is here. He's acting the big I am."

Hannah rolled her eyes. She looked at him. "I honestly don't care anymore. You know he's booked tickets for him and Grace back to New York? Never mind about what I have to say. He's my father."

Cal pulled her close and sighed. He looked at her. "It's going to be okay. Me and you have got this. You know that right?"

"I hope so. I don't want to lose you Cal. I love you more than I ever thought possible."

"I love you too."

Hannah couldn't help but worry that everything with her and Cal was going to end up getting horrid and she didn't want it. She just wanted to make her relationship with him work. Especially since they had Ella together.

Hannah looked up as her dad walked towards her. She sighed. "You going back to New York then?" she asked.

"No. Why?"

"Lexie told me about the plane tickets. For you and Grace. Do I not mean anything to you? I'm your daughter too," Hannah mumbled as she looked at him.

Sam sighed. "I bought them for me and Lexie. I want to make things right with her. Charlie and Duffy had offered to have Esmè for the week. I said Grace so she didn't get suspicious," he said.

"You're coming back?"

Sam nodded and smiled. "Of course I am. I wouldn't leave you. Not again. You're my daughter and I love you."

"I love you too."

Hannah left the ED and frowned as she saw Cal with a blonde girl. But who was she and was Cal breaking their family and cheating?

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