Chapter 32

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Y/n's Perspective
3rd Person P.O.V.

You sweat dropped as Mya hissed at Kirishima as they ate.

Bokuto gave you an apologetic look before he kissed her cheek and whispered something to her.

Her face blew up as he elbowed him.

"Ow..." He mumbled as rubbed his stomach.

You looked to Kirishima as he slowly ate, he looked to you and smiled.

"Anyways, Y/n and Kirishima." Bokuto started.

"What's U.A. like?" Bokuto asked as he pouted.

"It's pretty great! Having Heroes as teachers, learning to become something better.. it's amazing." You said with a big smile.

"It's really cool!" Kirishima raised his voice.

Mya looked to you and her lips curved into a smile.

"I'm glad you're having fun.. You need it." She said with a pained smile.

Suddenly a loud thud was heard.

Everyone was quiet, Mya and Bokuto shot up and listened closely.

"Y/n.. Is anyone else here?" She said squinting her eyes in the direction of the crash.

"N-no..?" You accidentally stuttered.

"Is that a question?" Mya kept her sharp gaze on you, her eyes slightly gave off a glow meaning she activated her quirk.


"Y/n, don't lie to me. I had a shady feeling since I walked in."

You had to stay silent, if Mya found out that your messed up childhood "family" caught up to you.

"Mya... Someones here. More than one, could be criminals." Bokuto stated.

As much as you loved these two they made a nasty duo.

Again, Bokuto's quirk 'Owl'. Allowed  him to sprout wings from his back, have night vision, incredible eyesight and hearing.

While Mya's was quite similar. Her quirk 'Animalist Instincts', allowed her to use the abilities of any animal she knew about.

"Stay here," Bokuto demanded, it was rare to see him serious, he was always known as the sweet, flirty, sensitive, loving owl.

"Kirishima was it?" Mya asked turning her sharp gaze towards the red-head.

"Yes Ma'am." He responded.

"Protect my cousin, if I find out that she got do much as I scratch I'll-"

Bokuto grabbed and squeezed her hand, " Protect her."

And just like that they ran off into the house.

Mya's Perspective

As they ran off, Mya held onto Bokuto hand tightly.


You both quietly make your way up the stairs.

"I'll check the right side, you check the left." Mya whispered and with that they parted ways.

Mya activated her quirk, 'snakes stealth' she whispered in her head.

She walked slowly not making a sound, when she approached Mya's room she saw as a figure quickly shot from one side to another.

She threw open the door, 'Lions strength!' she yelled this time, and pounced on the figure, straddling it.

"Bokuto! I found someone!" She yelled, 'Tiger's paws' she thought quickly as her nails became long, sharp, and hard.

She brought her nails to the person's neck, "Don't bother moving scum. I really should kill you now, who knows what you would've done." She spat at him.

Bokuto ran into the room and turned on the light.

He quickly became angry at what he saw, you were staddleing another male.

"Hm, at least I'm getting sat on by someone beautiful." The male purred at her.

He gagged and rolled her eyes, "Shut it, why are you in this house."

"So I could get a sight of you." He stated, chuckling after.

Bokuto came up behind you and pulled you off the male, putting you behind him.

"Answer the question." Bokuto said staring into the turquoise orbs of the male.

Bokuto was shorter than the male by an inch and a half, so the black haired male laughed.

"I don't have to answer, bird." He stated plainly throwing his hands behind his neck.

Bokuto huffed, he was furious. First his girlfriend straddled him, and second the man called him a bird.

"Get out then, or  I'll call the cops." Mya said from behind Bokuto.

"Well Princess, I wouldn't do that."

With that a man wearing a knock-off spiderman suit and a short female with crazy blonde buns resting on her head.

"Ooh! She's pretty too! I want to see if she's prettier covered in blood!"

"Dabi? Another Bird! I hate those damn things.."

Bokuto looked to Mya and nodded, with that Mya mumbled three words that caused the three to shudder in fear, "Dragon's deadly aura."

. . .

Y/n looked at the door of the kitchen to see Mya had a nose bleed and Bokuto had a few cuts on his face.

"Hey Mya-"

You saw three uncounsious figures being dragged by Mya.

Her eyes still the same as an feral animal. She licked her lips, collecting the blood from her nose in the process.

Mya, with the help of Bokuto, threw the bodies forward. You saw the terror in their eyes.

"Who are they." She growled.

"I don't k-"

"They looked into the eyes of a lion, I listened to their heart beat, they weren't lying. They claim to know you,"

You looked at the uncounsious group, 'I can't lie.. she'll know. I can stall... But for what. What do I do.'

"Guess I'm late to the reunion.."