Chapter 19

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Y/n P.O.V.

Once the school day ends, we were trying to leave class we couldn't because the exit was blocked and crowded by students from the other several classes. While I made my way with Kiri to the door I heard Katsuki say "They're here to scout out the competition. Out of my way extras!". A student with messy purple hair and tired eyes like Aizawa then confronts Katsuki saying "So you're the class that I couldn't get into, glad I didn't who would want to be in a class with you." Katsuki ignored them and continued to walk out of the class, I held onto his bag with my left hand and Kiri's hand with my right. I felt myself being pulled into the crowd I didn't know what to do so I let go of Kiri's hand and Katsuki's bag and let out a small electric wave throughout my body shocking the person who was pulling me into the crowd. 

"Oww! Y/n I was trying to get your attention!" I stopped and looked up and saw Tetsutetsu shaking his hand around. "Oh, my Gawd! I'm so sorry! You just scared me!" He smiled and waved me off. "Nah it's fine but the Sports Festival is in 2 weeks so train hard! I wanna beat you in a fight so I get to go on a date with you!" I sweatdropped and laughed nervously, "About that... I have a boyfriend..." His smile grew bigger. "Let's go! I get to have beef with someone! Tell me who is this jerk that stole you away from me!" I was about to speak when Kirishima hugged me from behind and rested his head on my head. "That'd be me," Kirishima said while giving him a closed-eyed-smile. Tetsutetsu frowned, "Dang it! I wanted a strong opponent so I'd look good in front of Y/n!"

I looked from Kirishima to Tetsutetsu, you could cut the tension with a knife and I wanted to cut it cause I guess I caused it. I got in-between them, "Guys! Schools over let's go" I sweat Dropped, What am I gonna do in the future. Then both stopped glaring at each other, I sighed in relief. Kirishima's expression soften and I was glad to see he was back to normal. "I'll see ya around Y/n." Tetsutetsu said with a wink as he walked off, I rolled my eyes playfully. I then grabbed Kirishima's hand and started to walk out of school. "Where are we going Pebble?" I froze at the pet name, my face exploded in red. All of a sudden I couldn't think... Where was I taking him again? Oh yeah... "I-I was t-thinking t-that w-we could g-go to a c-cat c-cafe." He tilted his head. "Are you okay Pebble? Your face is all red and- " He stood there for a minute then turned 50 shades of red like I had. "O-Oh my gosh... I'm sorry i-its just that y-you c-call me Kiri-ock and I thought since we're dating y-you'd l-like i-it!" He was panicking, I walked up to him and hugged him. "I-I like it... " I mumbled into his chest. I looked up and saw him staring into my eyes.
He was very handsome, everything about him from his red hair always lathered in jam to keep it up, red eyes complimented by the scar on his left eyes, his blush when he'd smile. I saw him moving close to my face and all I did was close my eyes and froze. I opened them and watched him kiss the tip of my nose. "You really are the cutest." I was just frozen not knowing what to do.
A thousand thoughts crossed my mind I felt dizzy. He started to freak out, as I titled back and forth, he then grabbed me and held me like a bride.
"I'll take you home, we have a lot of training to do for the Sports Festival! I'm totally gonna wipe the floor with him! And," He said looking at me. "I want to protect you from those monsters, I might not have the best quirk," He continued as he broke eye contact and looked at the sky.
"But I'll protect you even if it cost me my life..." I snuggled into his chest, I feel so safe with you but please don't give your life for me. I then fell asleep, I heard one last thing before though I fell asleep to hearing Kirishima say....

"I-I love you Y/n..."