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Kirishima's P.O.V.

I ran over to Y/N as Present Mic yelled, " AND TIME IS UP!!"

I saw Mina in the corner of my eye running over towards Y/n with tears. "Y/N! Y/N! Wake up please come on!" Mina started yelling while resting an unconscious Y/n on her lap.

Some elder lady started to walk towards us smiling. she handed out some candy to the people around us on her way towards Y/n and Mina.

As she approached them she frowned, " Someone with such a painful past and powerful quirk, is conserning... Hey red-hair?"

I looked around then pointed to me. "Me, ma'am?" "Yes, please help me with her." she said pointing to Y/n.

I nodded, "Yes Ma'am." I walked past a few people and headed towards Mina. I lifted my hand and set it gently onto Mina's shoulder, giving it a light squeeze. Her unique eyes which threatenedto spill tears at any moment.

"I want to help." I reassured her, "Let me at least carry her."

She hesitantly nodded her head, her eyes focused on mine. They told me to be careful.

I slowly walked around her and picked up Y/n in a bridal position. " Ma'am who are you if I may ask?" I asked hesitantly not wanting to be rude for not recognizing her."

She wrinkles shifted into another smile, "Recovery Girl." 

Kirishima carried Y/n, while following after Recovery Girl to the main building. Mina followed shortly behind them wiping the last of her stray tears.

As they entered the building a few Pro-Heroes came to check on the unconscious one, after a few minutes they enter Recovery Girl's office. Deku and an deflated All Might were in there talking.

Deku's eyes widened when he saw Kirishima with Y/n." Miss!" Deku yelled trying to get up. Mina looked at him and smiled, " W-what happened to her?" Deku looked at the group for a answer.

 " I should explain everything so it makes since..." She sighed, she'd need it.

"So Y/n has an God-like quirk. It's known to be multiple quirks combined into one. We named Elements... She can manipulate Earth, Water, Fire, Air, Wind, and Space."

Everyone looked at her, the same shocked expression.

"Growing up, she refused to use her quirk. She always thought she was a monster for her power. No one really knows why..."

"During the practical, she balanced helping others and getting points." Recovery Girl explained.

Mina nodded with a smile. Y/n was changing... And it was a change for the better.

"In the final 5 minutes, when the zero- point robot came. It had knocked some of the rubble around. Unfortunately I was in the perfect stop and got trapped under them." Thinking back on it she raised her hands and rested them on her chest.

"She wants to prove to everyone. That she isn't the monster they portray her to be. She also wants to prove to someone special.. that she isn't something that you use."

Deku glanced at her, She wants to prove herself like I do...

The room went silent, that was until Eirian, Mrs. Ashido, bust open the door. "Where are my babies?!" She yelled scanning the room. San, their father, walked in shortly after searching for their daughters.

San spotted Mina, then landed on Y/n,

in Kirishima's arma. San grew a irk mark on his head, while Eirian started fangirling. Not wasting a second she ran to Kirishima.

"Excuse me, What's your name kid?" She asked placing a hand on her hip, leaning towards him.

"Eijirou Kirishima, Ma'am." He answered respectfully while giving her his signature toothy smile.

Eirian started to examine him, slowing walking around him.

"Yup! Looks like Y/n type! Finally someone to get her mind off those anime guys..."

San towered over Kirishima,  leaving the red-head somewhat intimidated. "Well Kirishima, what is your relasionship with my daughter?" He asked, praying that he wouldn't have himself a fight today.

"I am simply Y/n's friend!" He said proudly. San let out a huge sigh of relief, as Eirian sighed in defeat. Deku stood there troubled, debating on whether or not he should ask his question. He was afraid of the answer himself.

"U-uh When w-will she... wake up?" The attention that was shortly shifted in Dwku, turned to The Ashido Family.

" Oh well, what did she do? All we heard was Mina was trapped under rubble and Y/n passed out." Mina nervously faced her parents. "She used her Space q-quirk.." Eirian's eyes widened, no one except her husband could read her expression. San sighed.

 " We're looking at 2 to 3 days if we're lucky.."

If we're luckyyyy~