Chapter 28

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𝙃𝙤𝙣𝙚𝙨𝙩𝙡𝙮 𝙄𝘿𝙆 𝙬𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙥𝙤𝙞𝙣𝙩 𝙤𝙛 𝙫𝙚𝙞𝙬 𝙨𝙤 𝙞𝙩'𝙡𝙡 𝙗𝙚 𝙖 𝙢𝙞𝙭 𝙤𝙛 3𝙧𝙙 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙛𝙞𝙧𝙨𝙩.

You and Kiri had left a while ago, the whole sports festival was a mess. You sighed as you held onto his hand.

"Y/n? What's wrong?" He asked clearly concerned.

You looked at him with a sad smile, "I... I caused so much trouble. And you must've been worried.. I'm sorry." 

You felt blood rush to your face as you spoke, Kiri chuckled at how you were acting. 

"What happened to the spunky Y/n? The one that was almost ashamed to blush? I mean you don't have to always be so tough! And it's not like I'm saying that it's not cute cause it is.."

He came to a pause realizing two things, 1) He was rambling and 2) They had arrived at the restaurant.


He mumbled as he looked up at the name of the place.

"We're here!" 

He cheered afterwards, you looked up to see where this place was. Because it sure was a good walk away. Your eyes slowly examined every letter.

'Kawaii Monster Café'   

Your eyes sparkled at the site, looking at the inside of the restaurant. Each waitress dressed in a cute and extreme extra uniform.

It was adorable, Kiri wore a huge smile at the fact that you loved it so much. He opened the door and tapped your shoulder.

"Ladies first,"

He gestured to the door as he bowed, 

"And my lady always comes first."

You had to admit the place was the cutest place you've ever seen. You were so overloaded with excitement you almost didn't hear the lady speaking to you.

She was dressed up like a doll wearing a pink 'Lady Gaga' type wig with a doll like dress, complimented with ruffles and a unicorn stuffed animal on his shoulder.

"Miss? Your tickets?"

She asked again, with a smile.

"The place is amazing isn't it."

The Doll said again, looking around with you.

"Yes, it's the cutest restaurant I've ever been to."

You said sniffing the air, inhaling it's sweet aroma. Kiri walked up behind you and handed the Doll his tickets.

"Thank-you, Do you two happen to be a couple?" 

You blushed at her words, Kiri happened to take note of this and took advantage of the situation.

"That's correct Ma'am, this wonderful lady is my lover." 

The Doll smiled and lead them to a secluded area, Kiri took a moment to take a look around.

"Ma'am? I didn't have enough for a secluded area."

"Oh sweetie I know! But since you're both young It's on the house!"

The Doll smiled and walked back towards the front. They sat down in the fuzzy and comfy chairs. You couldn't stop admiring the place, and that made Kirishima happy.

One thing had kept you fascinated, a plush of a red monster with a pink ice cream, a pink and yellow cone, and sprinkles. Another thing complimented the cute monster, blue and yellow  striped horn. It's mouth open, the pinkish tongue hanging out, and it's pink iris and light blue pupil.

Your eyes sparkled admiring it's feature's. 

You weren't paying attention and hadn't heard Kirishima asking you what you wanted to eat. His eyes followed to where you were looking to. Seeing the plushy, he smiled raising his hand a little to get assistance.

A waitress dressed like a child came to aid him.

"Hello Older Brother! What do you need assistance with?" The waitress asked in a childish voice.

"Can I get that red monster plushy after I pay the bill at the end of our meal." Kiri whispered to her making sure you didn't hear.

The waitress nodded with a smile, "Older brother, she's very beautiful."

Kiri looked at her with a closed eye smile, "She is isn't she..."

The waitress watch as he lovingly watched you admire the restaurant. After the waitress left Kiri placed his hand on yours.

"You've been staring at that thing this entire time, I'm starting to think you like it more than me..." Kiri said with a small pout.

"O-Oh I didn't mean to! It's just it's-" You started up, as guilt ran down your body like a water fall.

He attempted to hold back a smile but couldn't and started laughing, "I was kidding, It wouldn't make me a very manly man if I made you feel bad..." 

He gave a toothy smile and rubbed the back of his neck, "Anyway what would you like? They have a pretty large selection of nice sweets." He said flipping the menu, back to front.

(So Sorry for leaving it on a cliff hanger but I want to think about how the date should go, but if you have anyway that you want this to go tell me. Also tell me if you want a certain meal also Kawaii Monster Café is a actual place (