Chapter 16

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Y/n P.O.V.

You looked around trying to remember what had happened.

Oh yeah, Deku tried to hurt Nomu...

You felt something warmth in your hands so you looked down curious. You  saw Mina and Kiri holding separate hands.

You smiled at the thought that they were waiting for you. You tried to get up but in the process yoy immediately felt a sharp pain in your back. You wince and let out a quiet whimper.

God, I feel pathetic.

The action woke both Mina and Kirishima.

"Y/n.." Mina cried, as her unique eyes rested open your bandaged frame.

"Peb-pebble?" Kirishima asked softly, you smiled (Not letting them see) before blushing at the pet name.

Crash! Stomp.... Stomp... Stomp...

You heard the crash. Upon instinct your eyes shot to the door.

All Might and Deku stood there as their eyes started to water. You were happy to see them. A sudden groan caugh your attention. Your eyes followed to where I heard the noise. You watched as an ash-blonde boy with tired and red looking eyes woke up; it was Katsuki.

Was everyone really that worried? How long was I out? Where is-

I looked around and saw tables of flowers, but only one boutique stood out to me.

White and gold roses with red tulips, no-one knew those were my favorite except for...

You were taken out of thoughts by hearing crying. You looked around the small, now flooded hospital room. The whole class was now here, along with your parents.

Everyone ran up to asking questions; everyone except Deku, Mom, Dad, Mina, Kirishima, and All Might. They stood in a small circle asking each other things.

After several hours of questions everyone left except for the group that separated themselves. Your Mom and Dad had approached you, Dad smiled sadly while your Mom started to tear up.

"Hi honey, you've been sleeping for a while. I hope you had enough beauty sleep." Your Mom joked light-heartliedly.

You tried to thinking of anything, anything at all. All you remember was the few memories of the people who became Nomu's. It made you sick. All-For-One used low life criminals who needed money for his shitty game of chess.

That bastard... he knew I was attached to Nomu, so he brings them. That damned All for One injects people with so power that it chages them entirely.

You remembered sneaking out late at night when All-For-One was busy and Shigaraki was asleep. You'd visit the men in the cells, you'd bring them food and they'd tell you about the 'outside' world. The one that'd you'd be escaping too.

Your Mom shook your shoulder lightly, "Honey? Are you alright? You spaced out again." She stated worried.

"No just remembering that horrifying place. Do you see that boutique? No-one but Shigaraki knows the deeper meaning behind those."

She seemed shocked but mostly scared, she kept the terrified expression as she turned to your Dad.

He frowned and walked out of the room frustrated, pulling All Might with him. When he slammed the door shut you heard yelling. "You let the monster slip back into this place?! Tell me why?! And how he was able to get past high security?!"

You attempted to drownd it out as Mom smiled at you, reassuring you that he'd stop his hissy-fitt in a little bit.

You looked at the baku-squad that consisted of; Mina, Kirishima, Sero, Denki, and Bakugou. Deku stood there talking nervously with Denki.

Sero, Denki, and Deku then walked up to you. 

"Hello.." You greeted, a welcoming warm smile on your face.

Denki and Deku frowned at me while Sero smiled back.

"I'm glad to see that you're keeping it positive! Even though... You cracked... A few... Ribs..."

I looked down knowing that this pain was no where as painful as what I had gone through at the shit-hole.

Deku couldn't look me in the eyes and I completely understood.

If I hurt my friend would I be able to just smile and shake it off?

"Deku?" His eyes shot to the ground as he approached me.

"Yes.." He mumbled.

"Deku, you didnt purposely hurt me. Stop blaming yourself and go back to the shy, pumped, cinnamon roll you are. The dark aura doesn't fit you. "

He blushed and smiled, "I-I will and I'll become stronger so that I won't hurt m-my friends b-but protect them!"

I embraced him lightly, he hesitated at first before embraing you back.

Bakugou clicked his tongue at the stupid jokes Kirishimaand Mina were making. His eyes scanned the room, checking to see if you were alright. He'd be damned if anyone knew he was actually concerned.

"Deku?! Oi! Get off my sister you damn fucking nerd!" Katsuki growled as he stomped over towards you.

Kiri had to hold him back to insure that he didn't hurt Deku. You decided that, stay in a hospital wasn't the way you wanted to recover from a 'family reunion with Shigaraki'. So you let go of the embrace and attempted to get up.

Bad Move.

That had triggered everyone they actually all started to lecture you.

While yelling.

Very loudly.

"OI! What in the hell do you think your doing?!"

"Pebble be careful!"

"Y/n honey! Don't get up!"

"Y/n stop!"

"Y/n Chan?! What are you doing!"

You looked at them and smiled, "Everyone,"

You looked around noticing everyone you had everyone's attention.

"Well most everyone, I've been through worst than this."

You then jumped off the bed, landed on my feet feeling a small sting.

I then asked, "Guys? Can I have a drink please?"

Kirishima immediately grabbed a cup of water and handed it to you. You then changed the state of matter, then made a knife out of it. Using it to cut the cast around your chest off.

I want out of here. I feel paranoid. If that bastard find our house we're screwed. But for now I just need to get out of here..

Yoy started towards the door, but not before doing a classic Deku and started to fall face forward. Kirishima ran over to be as fast as he could and slid under you. Cushioning your fall. You looked down to see him giving you his classic, cute, toothy smile.

"Looks like you fell for me a second time." You rolled your eyes.

Little did I know everyone but Deku and Katsuki were fangirling/ fanboying about what had happened. Of course they wouldn't show it. But they wanted something like that..

He slowly got up and put his hand out for you to grab, you accepted it and got up.

" I want to go out, I'm hungry."

Kiri smiled at what you had said and held my hand and started to walk out the room...