Chapter 29

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° 3rd Person P.O.V. °

"That was quick.." Aizawa said not actually interested.

"I need a teacher who will help me control my power. I should be able to pick several but I know this is the right decision." You said smiling.

- Time skip to lunch -

You and the Bakusquad sat together eating and talking.

"So, Who are y'all planning on picking?" Mina asked, leaning on Sero.

"I'm picking Fourth Kind! The dude totally manly!"

You smiled eating from your bento box.

Mina looked at you, her eyes asking 'Who did you pick?'

You sighed, "I picked Endeavor."

Little did you know that Todoroki had been talking past you.

He stopped at the name of his abusive father.

He approached you, a worried expression washed over his face.

"Uh Ashido, That's not a great idea." He said looking you in your eyes.

"Why might that be Todoroki-kun?" You asked truly concerned.

"He.. He will break you down.." He said moving his gaze to the ground.

Before he could continue Bakugou cut him off.


Todoroki moved one of his hand to graze the scar.

"Well Bakugou, I think everyone is tired of listening to your wining.." He stated coldly before walking off.

"Seriously Ashido, please reconsider. For your own safety." This had made you confused but you pushed it away.

The bell had rang and everyone threw their trash away and started walking to class.


School had ended and everyone was walking home together. Well the Bakusquad walking one direction and the Dekusquad another.

Todoroki kept his gaze on you as you walked and talked with the squad.

"Todoroki-kun?" Izuku asked.

"Yes Midoriya?" He answered not tearing his gaze from you.

"Are you alright? You've been staring at Ashido-Chan a lot." He asked fidling with his thumbs.

"Yes everything's fine Midoriya..." He said finally turning to face Izuku.


You had separated ways with everyone because you needed groceries, your mom had texted you asking you to pick them up.

Kirishima had homework from last week he didn't finish and Sero and Mina were going out on a date.

You were humming a song with your earbuds in, suddenly you heard a loud thud.

You ripped out one of your earbuds and looked up.

There had been a small crowd and some screaming in a alley.

Without hesitation you ran up to see what was happening and there it was.

A man had held a little boy at gun point.


You watch as everyone around you hurried to grab there wallets.

"Oi," you said looking down,

"Drop the cash kid," He spat.

"That's my boy!" A females voice screamed through tears she had been held back by a another female.

That set something off in you, you shot you head up and raised your hand.

The man readjusted his grip on the gun, "DON'T EVEN THINK OF USING YOUR QUIRK!"

You smirked as you cut off his oxygen, as he reached for his neck he had dropped both the boy and the gun. You quickly touched his arm freezing his entire body.

Of course afterwards you returned his air.

As you turned to the boy, he jumped into you.

He was...

Hugging you.

Everyone clapped and cheered.

You hugged the boy back as he whispered to you, "Your my hero..."

You smiled as the boy back from the embrace and the mother ran to him.

Sometime during that someone had called the police and they arrive, guns up investigating what was happening.

They slowly approached me. Their gazes went from you to the criminal.

Their eyes asked, "Did not do this?"

You knew that you were going to get in trouble, you're not allowed to use your quirk without a license.

You stood up and smiled, "Yes sir." The men lowered their guns and the "main officer smiled".

"This will be one that we slide, if you hadn't done anything the boy would have died. But remember this is a one time deal."

You nodded and bowed, "Yes sir!"

Then you walked to the grocery store WarmMart. You grabbed a cart and walked through the iles.

You grabbed cereal, fruit, beef and cork, and you needed one more thing.

You walked towards the bandages just to bump into someone.

You back up and rubbed your nose.

"I'm sorry!" She squeaked as she bowed.

As you looked down to see a little girl with white curly hair, red eyes, and a small horn.

Just like the older female with her she had been covered with bandages.

You looked back at the older female, she was your age, and...

She had been the waitress from the restaurant... Meaning....

She was always covered in bandages...