Chapter 28

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Third Person P.O.V.

You looked at the menu wondering.

"I honestly don't know this places food looks to good to just get one!"
You eyes sparkled looking at all the different chooses.

'Damn, I wish I could afford to get you all of it...' He thought as he him self was wondering what to get.

"So.. Y/n what would you like to get? I know you want something." Kiri asked looking at the cute little biy of drool on the side of your mouth.

"Strawberry Milk and let's share the colorful poison parfait!"

You said pointing to the colorful fruit and ice cream parfait.

He nodded smiling at how cute you looked.

"Hey, Y/n."


"I love you.." He said unconsciously.

And your face blew up with all types of red.


Then he had realised he finally said it and he turned the same shade as you.

"I love.." You continued fidling with your thumbs.

Right on que the waitress walked up, "Hello there Big Brother and Big Sister! What can Mya chan do for you!"

The maid as shoulder length curly black hair, midnight colored eyes,caramel brown skin, and was rather... A nice way to put it... Thick.

She honestly looked rather young to be working at a place like this, she looked around the age of the couple she was taking an order from.

(Hehe I added myself to this chapter >;3)

Ejiro smiled at you then looked back to the waitress, "My lovely girlfriend sitting across from me would like strawberry milk and we will be sharing a colorful poison parfait.

She smiled, nodded, then left.

"I.. I love you!" You slightly yelled at Ejiro, he was startled by it before all of his blood rushed to his face.

"Eh?! Really?!" He asked excitedly, you looked to the ground and nodded.

Boy did he wanna get up and do a little jig but he decided he would do it when he was alone.

As silence fell over the couple, the waitress returned with the parfait and strawberry milk.

"Here you go, Big Brother and Sister! Call Mya-Chan if you need anything!" She smiled and bowed excusing herself.


After the date, he dropped you at home then headed home himself.

Something you had realized was that the waitress had a wrist brace and a few bandages on her.

You thought it was a part of her costume and pushed it off.

You got into your PJ's and headed to bed.


The next day you got up and smiled, today was the day that work-studies came in.

You may have ruined the Festival just a little but you still got to display your talents and that had made you happy.

You got dressed and headed out to the bus, Mina had left a few minutes earlier with Sero.

As you walked into the bus, you ran to the back where you were welcomed by Ejiro.

Bakugou was there to but he was a hero and hadn't said anything to you.

The ride was fairly quiet you and Kirishima were placing bets on how many Bakugou would get.

You walked into class and took your seats, you kinda spaced out until you felt a tap on your shoulder.

You looked over and saw Kirishima smile then point to the board.

"EH?! HOW DID KNOCK-OFF AVATAR GET THE MOST REQUESTS?!" Bakugou yelled, he had called you many thing but by far that was your favorite.

"Oi Pomeranian, Maybe because Im the avatar." You replied slyly back.

He growled and set off small explosions.

"YOU WANNA GO?!" He yelled back putting one leg of the ground and another on his chair.

"YEAH LET'S GO" You yelled back holding back a laugh.

Aizawa signed and activated his quirk disabling Bakugou's.

"It's to early for this brat,"

"Tsk, whatever." He spat at the tired teacher.

Aizawa explained how everyone would have til the end of the day to pick out who we wanted and fill out the page.

I glanced at my list, I had almost all the top heroes and that had made me happy.

'I wanted to pick Endeavor who was currently the the second most powerful hero but, I know who I need to learn from.'

You quickly filled out the page and handed it back to Aizawa.

'That was fairly quirk for someone that got the most request." Aizawa questioned grabbing the page.