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3rd Person P.O.V.

You and Mina were getting into our costumes, laughing at each other as you thought about your dates.

Mina and Sero were going to Six Flags: Fright, You and Kiri... Well you didn't know he hadn't told you. But you had told him you wanted to trick or treat.

You dressed in a bunny onesie, while Mina dressed as a witch.



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(Your Costume is above ^, while Mina's at the top )

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(Your Costume is above ^, while Mina's at the top )


You grabbed your phone and pulled Mina in, "Say Cheese!"

You said as you snapped a picture. You began to realize that as you became older that, you became more bubbly like Mina.

"Soo.. Y/n?" Mina asked as she straightened out her costume.

"Yes Mina.." You said fixing your hair and pulling up your hood.

"Where are you and Kirishima going?" She asked, turning her head towards you.

"To be honest, I don't know... Eji (Pronounced 'E'-'G') just said to get into my costume and to be ready by 7:45."

"Then... You should go to the door."

"Wait what..?!" You exclaimed as you checked the time, and surely she was right.

' 7 : 44 '

Your eyes widened as you panicked, grabbing your purse and running out of your room.

Rushing to the door, you see your Dad talking to someone. All you could see a tiny glance of hair, red hair. You smiled as you walked up to your Dad patting his back.

And there our little bean was, his hair was down and he was dressed in a red shark onesie. You looked at how cute he was and the fact that his hair wasn't lathered up in gel.

"Hey Y/n!" He said before turning back to your Father, "And yes sir I'll have her back before 12."

"Alright Ejiro, I'm trusting you." Your Father dropped his crossed arms, giving you a small smile.

"Hii Ejiro! I love your costume it's cute... on you..." You said getting slightly shy. 

'Why is it that even though we dated a while, I still get slightly shy around him...'  You thought as your face became slightly red.

Your Father patted your shoulder as he walked away, you looked up and met eyes with him. He gave you a closed-eyed-smile as he held is hand out for you to grab. 

You took it, closed the door, and followed Kiri's lead. On the way he had handed you a pumpkin bucket to hold candy.

The night you had went trick or treating for hours, lucky for you the bucket was fairly big. Around 11, you stopped trick or treating. Suddenly, in the street he stopped walking.

"Alright... So I uh..." Kirishima began,

You felt your heart beat quicken, this scared you. A lot of things could have gone bad, 

'Does he want to break up? Did I get boring? Was I to straight forward?'

All these thoughts ran through your mind,

"You trust me right?" He asked looking you in the eyes.

You nodded with a smile, "Of course!"

"Alright," He walked behind you and put a blindfold on you.

You could obviously not see a thing so, Kiri was your eyes. You were lead onto a vehicle, 

After a few minutes it came to a stop, 

"Kiri? Are we here?"

No response...  


You began to feel scared, 'Where is he?'

Suddenly your blindfold fell, and you saw a beautiful view of your town, a basket with steam coming out of it laid out of a blanket.

You turned around and saw Kiri rubbing the back of his neck with a smile, "Happy Halloween Y/n..."

You jumped onto him and hugged him tightly, meeting eyes with him as you shared a sweet, short, and passionate kiss.

When you broke from it Kiri sweat dropped and  began to speak,

"I asked you if you trusted me because 1) I had to blindfold you and 2) I had to drive that Golf cart.."

"You scared me over nothing!" You said punching his shoulder playfully, 

You both spend the last 25 to 30 minutes together at the picnic.