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Y/N Ashido P.O.V.

Tick... Tick... Tick...

I continued to tap my pencil on my desk tuning out my teacher's conversation with the class. I look around and see Mina bouncing in her seat like an idiot but I just smirk and look at the clock. Any minute now.. I thought Any minut- 

I was brought back to the class when I heard my teacher say something about U.A. She repeated her sentence again 

"Who plans on getting into U.A.?"

I looked around once again but this time noticing who had raised their hands. Two hands stood out to me, a tallish female with pink skin and matching curly pink locks. The other, a thin, tall, and muscular male with straight black hair. 

Mina and Kirishima.

I smirk to myself before I raised my hand proudly. Everyone turned their attention to me, some were shocked, while others laughed.

" You think you can make it into U.A. without a quirk? That's hilarious!" A short boy with curly silver hair spat.

"You're quirkless and Mina has a worthless quirk. I doubt you'll even be able to apply! Who would believe in a quirkless hero!!" The sly grin on his face only became larger as an irk mark grew on your head.

The ass-holes who were laughing became louder. It was disappointing that even the teacher was trying to old back her own laughter.

I scowled as Mina puffed out her cheeks annoyed. People like him made us both sick. She walked up to him and melted his belt with her acid. A satisfied giggle left her lips.

His pants fell to the ground, revealing his All might underwear.

I 'attempted' to choke back my laughter and looked away. But they way the guy treated me, I couldn't hold back my remark.

"Nice Underwear."

Everyone looked at me then the embarressed boy infront of me, who tried to pick his pants up. The room was left in silence for about a minute before it erupted in laughter again.

I looked at the clock and right on time the bell rung. 

How ironic..

I laughed quietly to myself, it was funny the year went by to quickly.

Mina ran up to me, her bag on her back. Smiling widely she grabbed my hand and darted out of the classroom, "Well finally out for summer!"

"You do realize, we have a whole bunch of training and studying to do." I stared at her for a second after a few second I flicked her forehead.

" Uh-huh real funny.. I realized this a month ago. Also you mean you have a whole bunch of studying to do. Training.. sure." She puffed her cheeks again and grabbed my hand.

"No way! You're helping me! The only reason why I passed 8th was because of your study sessions!!" Before I could respond to what she said, she took off running and jumping.

" M-Mina! I-I'm, right behind you!"

I managed to slip out of her grip as we left the school grounds. She sighed and turned away from me," I want to be a hero and a daughter, Mom and Dad can be proud of."

I looked up at her in awe. She was maybe a month older than me. But truly was a great person and role-model.

After I took a moment, I rested my hand on her shoulder. She responded by turning to face me.  I was greeted by a genuine closed eye smile.

I was a little taken back, but I couldn't do anything but return her a smile.

Thank you for reading!

462 Words