Chapter 17

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Kirishima P.O.V.

--Flash Back--

I looked at Y/n and that weird creature. Was that really her best friend when she was growing up? I saw Izuku run up to her... What is he doing? Is he...? My eyes shot to Y/n she was jumping in front of the creature. I tried to run towards her but my legs wouldn't move. It was just like last time, Move dang it!!! MOVE. I watched as Izuku punched her and I couldn't do anything... Rage consumed me, The creature screamed, Mina broke down and All Might had just broke through the door. He had saw what happened and He stood there shaken. I started walking towards Izuku as he stood there mordifyed by what had happened.

He turned around hearing my foot steps. I activated my quirk and punched him in the stomach. I punched again and again I got on top of him and continue until I couldn't feel my hand, hot tears ran down my face, "Kirishima!! Stop Dude!" I didn't know but I only punched him twice the rest of the time I was punching the ground. Denki pulled me off him, I was kicking around like a child. Sero had to wrap me in serveral layer of tape to calm me down. All Might beat up the bird creature, actually sent him flying. I glared him down the entire time, eventually he walked over to me. He looked me square in the eyes and punched me. I flew back into a wall and groaned in pain. "Oi! All Might that's your student!" Denki yelled. All Might looked at me, " Look at Young Midoriya, Young Kirishima." I slowly looked towards him, he was next to Mina, he sat there like he was dead, his face all the life had been drained from it. "Now tell me Young Kirishima, does that face show he hurt Young Ashido on purpose?" He made a good point, I stared at them... Mina was a mess, her eyes puffy and wet with tears, she was shaking as her hand slowly reached Y/n face... "N-no sir, That wasn't very manly of me. I'll become stronger, I'll become stronger for her..." I said mumbling the last part. I knew who those monsters that attack us were, I knew as soon as I saw Y/n face. I activated my quirk trying to break out of Sero's tape. After a few failed attempts I broke free, I slowly walked towards Y/n... Even now she was beautiful, her y/hc (Your hair color) hair was messy,  half of it in her face. Her lips slightly parted and her y/ec eyes closed, she looked sorta peaceful. I sat down besides Mina, she was so focused on Y/n she didn't notice me. Katsuki was your even dumbfounded, We all thought she was dead... Mina hugged her tightly, Y/n breath hitched from it. I started to actually cry, if she actually died what would I do? I hugged Y/n with Mina and we cryed into her costume. Izuku looked over at us then immediately looked away he looked liked he wanted to help her so bad... Iida and Uraraka tryed to confort him as he walked out but he rejected them. The rest was a blurry all I remember is us spent our 2 days off watching over Y/n, So I wonder how those monsters slipped past us.
-- End of Flash Back --
I kept ahold of Y/n hand, she looked so  cute... Her hair was still messy and she looked a little tired. I then notice d she was still in a hospital attire. I stopped and blushed l, "D-do we all wanna stop somewhere so we can get Y/n clothes? She doesn't look very manly in hospital clothes..." I said turning around, as I thought everyone was behind Y/n, Her Mother smiled then frowned. "Do you not think my baby looks adorable right now?" I stopped and realized what I had just gotten myself into but I couldn't hold my tongue. "N-no ma'am that's not it! Y/n looks manly all the time and of course she's adorable! She'd look good in anyth-" I stopped and looked away from the group, this was so embarrassing...

I remembered that Mina had her bag on her. "M-Mina you have Y/n uniform right?" She nodded then searched through her bag. "Yeah! I was going to get her to change before we left but you ran off with her." I got even redder, "S-sorry..." I mumbled.