Valentine's Day Special

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You woke up to the smell of chocolate, eggs, and bacon.

As you opened your eyes, your two kids and Kirishima holding a plateful of food. You had slept in and didn't get to wake your kids up with chocolate and breakfast.

"Happy Valentines Day Mommy!!" The two kids yelled together their mouths covered in chocolate.

"Happy Valentines Day Babies." You whispered as you kissed their foreheads.

You then looked to Kirishima, whom had a great loving smile on his face. He leaned down and kissed you.

"Happy Valentines Pebble.."

"Ewwww!!!" Your son yelled disgusted.

"Awww!! Mommy and Daddy are so cute together! Like a Prince and Princess!!" Your daughter cheered.

"Honey, Your Dad is a king, and You are a princess and Munrokku is a prince."

- - -

Later on, You and Kirishima hosted a party. You had invited the whole Class-1A and their kids.

You greeted everyone with smiles. It had turned out that Bakugou and Amya, overhauls ex, had gotten together.

Her, well their son was older than all the over kids. He was currently 10 while the other kids were 1-5.

You and everyone had caught up, informing each other on different parenting skills.

You heard unexpected knock, everyone turned their attention to the door. Kirishima slowly walked to the door and unlocked it only to be smacked in the face with it.

"HEY HEY HEY!!!" Was yelled by 3 different people.

You smiled as you turned. There was Mya, Bokuto, and Yuki.

Yuki, their son had black hair with small white stripes in it. He had tan skin and chocolate brown eyes. He was also fairly tall for a 9 year old.

He ran off with the other kids as Mya and Bokuto joined the other adults. You and the other adults had drank, sang, danced.

While the kids played around in Munrokku and Akarui's rooms.

As everyone left, and the kids were put to sleep. You and Kirishima cuddled, with you laying on his stomach and him on his back on the porch. Staring at the stars you had always admired.

"Y/n?"  Kirishima asked snuggling his face into your neck.

"Yes Ejiro?"

"Are you happy?" He asked leaving light kisses on your neck, which you giggled at.

"Of course. I have a loving partner, and two wonderful children."

"I think you could be happier though.."

You were taken back. Why would he say that?


"Marry me.."

Your eyes widen as the question soaked in. They started to tear up as you grabbed his face.

He froze for a second. You kissed him and he kissed back the moonlight glistening  over you both.

As you separated you went to answer but he covered your mouth. "Wait! It wouldn't be manly if I don't kneel first!"

He quickly got up from beneath you and grabbed the ring from his pocket and kneeled infront of you.

You began to cry as you nodded rapidly. "Yes! Yes! Yes!!!"

You ran up and hugged him. As he held onto your body. He smiled, whispering "I promise to make you the happiest Kirishima I can. I will be the manlyest father and husband to ever live. I even got your father's blessing."

"I love you Ejiro."

"I love you Y/n..."