ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 10

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 ・ 。゚☆: *.

ou had all finished lunch and we decided to play: truth or dare.

When it came to the game you were a daredevil, truth you hadn't held anything back.

"I'll start." You smiled deviously.

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(You looked like this...) 


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Mina sweatdropped afraid of the stunts her sister was willing to do for a simple dare.

As the game went one several things had happened. Denki shook someone's hand and shocked them. Sero taped someone to their seat. Bakugou.... refused to do something until Denki insulted him.

So Bakugou, scared a teen until he peed himself...

Buttttt, finally it was your turn.

"Mina," She slowly turned to look at me,  avoiding any eyes contact.

"Truth... or... Dare..." She gulped, thinking that her sister would at least go easy on her.

"Uh... Dare!" "I dare you to... kiss someone you find attractive or the first person that comes to mind!"

She faced the ground walking around the table to the side where the males sat. She slowly bent down and pecked Kirishima's cheek.

Your eyes widened as you felt pressure on your heart. You felt like you were suffocating. You couldn't take it. You quickly stood up in your seat and left.

Hearing yelling from behind you, you  continued to walk. Placing a hand over your throbbing heart.

"Why.. Why the hell does it hurt so bad.."

≪ °❈° ≫

* Middle school, after first day. *

"Hey, Mina...?"


"What is it called when, someone smiles your heart skips a beat, or when they talk to another person you get jealous. When your not around them you want to be. What is that feeling called..?"

You asked while fidgeting with your fingers. You were never good with confronting your feelings.

We were at the front door about to open it. Mina was about to turn the handle but stopped. "Mom said it's love. I feel the same way about someone. Who's the person you feel this for?" Mina hesitantly asked, knowing who it was.