Chapter 18

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Y/n P.O.V.

Mina finally grabbed my uniform from her bag at first I was confused, This isn't my uniform... This looks like a... "Um, Mina... This isn't my uniform. This is a shark onesie." Katsuki smirked trying not to laugh, Kirishima and Deku blushed, Mina, sweatdropped, and Mom fangirled.

"Aww, I get it, Mina!" Mom squealed. I looked even more confused, what was there to get, I've been here for what 8 years and I don't understand these women... I guess everyone got it but me because they were laughing. I continued to see everyone's different expressions, why were they laughing, I lifted up the onesie and stared at it for a while. It was a red shark, with red eyes and it had a toothy smile. I finally got it but I had to verify, " Oi Kiri," He snapped out of being a blushing mess, and looked at me. "Smile for me." He looked at me then gave me a toothy-closed-eyed- smile.

I smiled back, "I'll be right back, I got to go change." I said as I walked off into the restroom, I changed into it quickly then examined myself in the mirror. I liked it it wasn't too tight and wasn't too baggy, I looked cute... I spun and twirled looking at myself. I stopped my admiring when I heard a knock at the door.


"Oi! Y/n! When are you coming out of there?!"

"Oh! Sorry! I'm coming"

I open the door to see Katsuki snicker, I wanted to whack him on the head but I know right now isn't the best time for fighting so I ignored him, I got compliments on how cute I looked all day, it was cute how Kirishima kept blushing everytime I looked at him. And Gekko~chan the author is to lazy to explain the rest of the day, but what happened was we went to a cat cafe and ate sweets. Then went home and got ready because tomorrow we have school.

Oi! I'm not lazy

You know that's a lie

Nuh-uh It's just that I'm busy,... with school.

Well you have a point...

I know I have a point now quit breaking the fourth wall!

--- Time Skip to the next day ---

I woke up and Mina and me did what we did every morning, got dressed, ate, raced up stairs grabbed our bags, and we were about to leave when the doorbell rang. Mom walked over to the door in her sleep attire, I watched from behind her.

" Good Morning Mrs. Ashido! I came to pick up Y/n, and He is here to pick up Mina. Isnt it such a manly thing to do!" Mom smiled at the two boys, I could tell they were male by their voices. " Aww and who might you be? I saw you at the hospital, but I nor you introduced yourself." She finished, I could Identify one of the males, Kirishima, but who was the other?

"I'm Sero Hanta! I actually also came to ask her something..." Mom started to giggle, I didn't know what for but she knew what he was here to ask. I popped out from behind Mom startling both males. "Hey guys!" I said, I sounded kinda like Mina when I said it. I was just happy to see Kirishima, Sero I really didn't know so I could say I was happy to see him. "Uh, Y/n lets walk without them today." Why would he want to do that? Before I got to question Kiri grabbed my hand and started running to the bus. "Kiri! Why are we leaving without them." When we came to a stop, we were at the bus stop. He pulled me into a hug and I couldn't not hug back, so I did. "Because 1, I didnt get to hug you at the hospital. And 2, S-Sero likes Mina... and he wanted to ask her out. "Wait, but..... He only knew her for a few days..." I was confused how'd he know her long enough to like her, "Didn't you know he was in middle school with us." I frozen, I remember her always talking to someone with straight black hair... Was that not Kirishima? I was about to start again but the bus had arrived, "Ladies first, I know its super manly." He said with his smiled, as I walked in and sat down.

I pulled out my phone getting a notification from the news, "New Unidentified Beast was Capture and is being Questioned" I then looked over and saw a picture of Nomu... Kirishima looked at me seeing my panic, then put his hand on mine. "Hey... Are you okay...? You looked scared, or worried." He looked over my shoulder seeing the article, He then understood what was happening. I sat there not knowing how to react or do, what I want to go to the Police claim him as my pet and take care of him, I'll be lucky enough to even get to see him. The bus came to a stop and Kirishima held out his hand for me to grab. As we walked in the classroom Mina and Sero were already there talking and laughing. I saw them holding hands under their desks, I smiled seeing she had someone special. I sat down in my seat and so did Kiri, we were all talking about the USJ attack and who would be our substitute, after a few minutes of talking the door open.

Aizawa, wrapped in bandages, walking in. Everyone gasped, and asking question like 'Why are you here?' and 'Shouldn't you be recovering?'. He stood in front of the class, " I'm here on my own accord, and I need to announce something... The fight isn't over," Every sat in there seats in shock and waited for him to continue. "The U.A. Sports Festival is in a two weeks." Most everyone snapped out of their shocked and dumbfound expressions and became relieved and excited. I heard Kirishima yell, "Finally! A normal school event!". Iida stood up and pushed up his glasses, "Don't you think this is a little too soon after the attack?". I then stood up in my seat and imitated Iida, "Actually, no. This is exactly what we need, we need to be able to have fun!" All the people who took my side stood up and started chanting. While everyone (*cough* like two) who teamed with Iida took their seats. "Quiet down... You have 15 minutes til lunch do what you want." Aizawa said tiredly.

The rest of Mina, Kirishima, Sero, and I consisted of talking about the attack, training, and our relationships.