ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 15

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is crimson red eyes met yours. You had so many questions.

Why did he come here?

How'd he find me?

Where's All-For-One?

What should I do?  

You were in a state of panic, forgetting why you trained so hard. You had also forgot the fact that Aizawa was to protect you.

Someone around 6' foot and a partial surrounded head walked up to you.

Thirteen then opened a blackhole.

What's his quirk?

Last second you found out what it was.

"Thirteen sto-" You called out, but you were too late..

His quirk was that he could open some sort of portals, he used thirteen's quirk against her.

He looked at you, you could see her covered features curl into a smile.

"Ah Y/n, so you are here. Master was right, but isn't he all ways. You should return to him soon. He throws fits about your appearanceon T.V."

You scowled disgusted by the thought of the older teenager.

"I could care less about him, so leave U.A. before I make you." He chuckled a bit.

" Well might as well scatter you, may the games begin." 

You used your quirk to surround ya'll with a recreation of the night sky.

You were struggling to keep it up, everyone had was spread out. You slowly started to drop the barrier. You could taste the metalic taste from your now bleeding nose..

You couldn't hold it. Right before he could separate you, you sprinkled star dust over all of them. It meant you could since their surroundings and "teleport" to them.

Everything slowly became dark.

≪ °❈° ≫

You fell on top of a building. You spat out the blood that was now in your mouth.

You looked around and saw two of your favorite people. Bakugou and Kirishima.

Kirishima ran to me and embraced me. Using the embrace as a cover up he whispered.

"Was that All-For-One's Henchmen?"

You hesitantly nodded. You sighed know you'd have to fight some low life idiots.

You looked around seeing deciding which quirk you should use.

"Landslide zone."

That idiot put you in an area that you'd fight well in. Right on time the criminals ran to the top of the roof. You lifted the rocks around you and imaged it turning to diamond.

You then quickly shaped a katana and ran at them as expected they used their quirks, one; expanded their arms to smack you off the building.

You cut the arm causing him to hiss and retreat it. Suddenly making sleeping powder you blew it towards him.

The next male's quirk was fire breathing, you laughed as he used his fire against you. Your costume was may things fortunately, fire proof was one.

I used a flame wall to protect yourselfand the males behind you. Luckily they entertained themselves with fights of their own.

You them inhaled, exhaling a humungous fireball. (*Cough, Cough* Fire ball Jutsu Anyone? *Cough, Cough*)