Chapter 20

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Y/n P.O.V.

I woke up and felt a amazing and comforting warmth, I snuggled up against it only to hear a grunt. I shot up and looked to see where the noise came from, I saw Kirishima sound asleep in my bed...

WHAT WHY IS HE IN MY BED AND WHy Does he look so cute...

I looked around to see Sero, Mina, and Mom snapping pictures. I shot a deadly glare at them. They screeched and ran out. I saw Kirishima began to stir so I began to play with his hair and... I began to lean down suddenly I placed a small kiss on his lips, they were so soft and full. Why did I do that! Omg, Omg he's waking up and I haven't backed up! Back up! He slowly opened his eyes, and bursted into red he immediately closed them again and began to kiss back. I started to melt into the kiss. He then began to play with my hair and wrapped his arm around my shoulder deepening the kiss. I then I got into his lap and continued, after a hot minute we then pulled away for air. I looked at him then the floor with all kinds of shades of red. His face then blew up with the same reds and covered his lips.
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" I-I uhh... I... I liked it... P-Pebble..." He said moving closer. I started to freak out thinking we were gonna kiss again, but then he embraced me and kissed my forehead. "I-I'm glad you asked me to stay the night..." I struggled to remember me asking, he then saw my confusion and began to clarify. "You fell asleep in my arms while I held you, so I carried you home, when I knocked your Dad did kinda scare me, but he understood and let me in. I set you on your bed and when I started to walk away but you held onto my wrist and asked me to lay with you." I started to look away but he held onto my face, forcing me to look at him. "Y-Y/n I-I l-" He was cut off by the door opening, there stood Mina and Sero carrying breakfast but they froze with red faces. At first I didn't understand why until I looked at my position, I was on Kirishima's lap while he held my face, and we were both panting and had red faces. I then looked at them and panicked, " G-Guys it's n-not w-what it l-looks like." Mina then snapped a quick picture and began to run dropping the  breakfast. I shot off of Kirishima and began to ran after her, I then used my wind quirk to catch up with her and Sero. I froze remembering I had forgotten someone I turned around swiftly just to come face to face with Kirishima. "C'mon Kiri! We gotta get them before they send that picture to everyone! I'll get us close enough to them then your quirk to cut Sero's tape!" He laughed, and I honestly didn't know why. "Calm down Pebble, first you have to get ready for the Sports Festival." I had completely forgotten another three things, 1) My rib cage was completely healed, 2)  The Sports Festival was today, and 3) I was still in my shark onesie. I then ran back quickly changed and ran back out grabbing a piece of toast and Kirishima. We then ran as quickly as we could to the bus where we found Sero and Mina laughing at her phone. I ran up and swiped her phone from her, seeing they were laughing at the picture of Kirishima and I. I then clicked delete and handed her phone back, "It wasn't what y'all thought!" They both have me the uh-huh face and started to watch something together. I ran back to my seat with Kirishima and laid my head down on his shoulder.

Today was the day, I showed my strength to the world....

- Sorry for much a short chapter, I hope y'all enjoy please make sure to Check out my Deku x Reader; My healer. Also check out Ihavenolife842 and Please vote and share It'd help me a lott. Also when I found out I had 300 reads I almost cried so thank-you! Love you stars ✨❣️