Chapter 33

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Third Person P. O. V.

You and Mya looked to the voice. Just the two people who didn't need to come out.

"Tomura Shigaraki." He introduced himself to Mya. She didn't seem happy so for two more people to pop out...

"Your relationship to Y/n?" She asked as she cocked a brow, her eyes were still the ones of a feral beast.

"I'm a friend."

" The one behind you?"

"Body guard."

"Why in the world would you need-"

"That's all I'm willing to share."

Bokuto looked the male with hands all over him. He knew she had seen him somewhere before.

'But where?'

"Who might you be?" Shigaraki asked.

"Not sharing, you rub me the wrong way. And care to explain why you were hiding?"

"We were playing hide and seek."


Shigaraki cackled as he looked down at his 'friends'. And that was when it was clear to Kirishima and Bokuto.

Kirishima held you in a protective manner while Bokuto grabbed you all and pulled you away from the villain.

"I know who you are now." Bokuto said as he gripped Mya's hand tightly.

"You attacked us at the U.S.J.!" Kirishima added.

" Smart. Well who's responsible for beating these three idiots?" Shigaraki gestured towards the knocked out individuals.

"That'd be me." Mya growled at the male.

"Hmm." A huge grin grew on his face as a wicked idea had popped into his head.

You didn't shake like Kirishima did. You were furious, you told them to hide. You clenched your fist and huffed.

"Y/n.. What's wrong?" He whispered.

"Nothing.." You responded.

" Kirishima, Y/n. On three run. Get help as soon as you can. I'd contact the school." Bokuto said as he and Mya walked infront of the two younger teens.

"1..." Mya started.

"2..." Bokuto added.

"3!" They yelled and You and Kirishima took off.

- - -
It had been hours..

The heroes had already arrived and they found Bokuto hugging Mya with his wings covering them both.

They ran them both to the hospital, Bokuto had a broken rib, and alot of feathers missing. And Mya had a broken arm, a twisted ankle, and decayed skin all over her.

You were tapping your foot as you sat outside of their hospital. They had called Recovery Girl to help with several things.

You watched as Doctors and Nurses spilled out of the room with mixed expressions.

"Such young heroes..." A older nurse commented.

Your eyes welled up, you had the power to help them but you didn't.

You heard footsteps approaching you quickly. You looked up and got embraced by your mother, father and Mina.

"What happened!" Your Mother asked holding your face.

"Shigaraki and his crew... They, they came and I wanted to be friendly.. But then Mya and Bokuto... They came over, heard something and they fought them and told us to run.... " You sobbed as you held onto your mom.

A doctor then approached the group, "Ashido Family?"

"Yes Sir." Your Mom answered while holding onto everyone.

"Mya had several injuries, Bokuto only had few serious injuries." He stated as he read off the clip board he held.

"They will need at least 2 weeks to recover.."

With that your family fell apart crying, they were so worried that Mya and Bokuto had died.

That had been when everything changed...

*6 month time skip*

You were different now, you didn't hesitate and you thought smarter.

With your intern which you visited frequently with Shoto.

So much had happened in the 6 months, Mya and Bokuto moved to U.A. and were second years wanting to enjoy their own highschool life.

You found out that both of them had been pro heroes. Mya, known as Young Blood was in 18th place. Bokuto, known as Silver was in 17th.

You and the Bakusquad grew closer, Bakugou got kidnapped... Which you, Deku, Kirishima, Iida, and Momo went to save him.

After that the school wanted all students to be placed in doors on school ground. Your parents agreed thinking it'd be safer for you.

You had changed drastically, before you were a girl with a barrier letting no-one past but few family members. Now you were fairly close to being as cheerful and playful like Mina.
. ..

Everything had changed now that you had your license and you could patroll.

Being older and after the so called "summer" was terrible. But everyone had grown closer.

As you left the building full of heroes the events played in your head. A little girl being abused, used for making others quirkless. It fueled you.

You left for patrolling and ran into Deku and a third year.

"Oh hello Mirio!" You greeted with a smile.

"Ah Y/n! How are you?" He asked with a tiny hint of pink.

" Fine! Mind if I patrol with you?"

"Sure." They said together.