the encounter between will byers and mike wheeler

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okayyyyyy in this oneshot mike, lucas, dustin, max and el are all friends. will is the quiet kid who's pretty shy. he doesn't really talk to people. they are also freshman in this. hopper is still alive. none of the upside down stuff happened. this will prob be short but i hope you enjoy!

mike's pov

I was walking to my last class of the day and it felt amazing. Today was Friday. Just one more class and I finally had freedom for the weekend. Walking down the hall I was suddenly grabbed by the arm and pulled into the janitors closet. It was Lucas. "What the hell man?" I asked. Looking up I saw the rest of my friends standing there as well.

"What's going on?" I asked once again. "Were making plans for this weekend." Dustin said. "Yeah I was thinking we could see a movie or something." Max replied. "And a 'hey Mike can we talk to you real quick' couldn't have worked?" I asked. "Oh calm down. Anyways, is everybody up for the movies?" Lucas asked. "Yeah I'll have to ask Hopper though." El said.

3rd person pov

"You and Lucas just wanna go to the movies so you can make out without everyone seeing you." Mike snarked. Which earned him a slap to the arm by Max. "Shut up!" she yelled. "Make me." Mike said. The two have never been the greatest of friends so this was normal. "I swear to god Wheeler." She said shoving him against the wall. Dustin laughed and El tried to hold in a giggle.

"Gosh calm down!" Mike pushed back. Not as hard as her push but still enough to make her stumble back. "You asshole!" Max yelled. The rest of the group realized they weren't joking anymore and attempted to stop their friends. Lucas and El grabbed a hold of Max while Dustin stood in front of Mike.

"Mike calm down." Dustin whispered. "Why me? She started this! She pushed me first!" Mike defended himself. "I wouldn't have done anything if you didn't make that smart ass comment about me and Lucas!" Max said. "Max!" El yelled, she looked worried. Max and Mike's fights have never gotten this far. It looked like they really wanted to rip each other's heads off.

"Whatever." Mike muttered looking down at his watch. Shit. The bell had rung about 7 minutes ago. He didn't even realize because of the argument with Max. "Shit guys! I gotta go. The bell rang a long time ago!" Mike said. "Calm down Mike. We can just chill in here until class is over. Then when the final bell rings we can leave for the weekend." Lucas said, shrugging his shoulders.

"No dude. I can't skip my mom will kill me." Mike said turning around and opening the door. "See ya!" He yelled as he ran out. Lucas shook his head and El sighed. "I hope he gets in trouble." Max mumbled. Meanwhile, Mike was running through the empty halls trying to get to his class as fast as possible. He was almost there until he turned the corner and felt another body slam into his own.

Everything happened so fast. The body fell to the floor, dropping their bag. Mike had tripped and was about to fall on the other body until, he caught himself with his forearms. Which would definitely leave a mark later. He finally realized what was going on. Since he caught himself he didn't fall on the body. He was over top of the body and the body belonged to none other than, Will Byers.

He was a short, fragile kid and Mike being the tall, somewhat stable boy he is, must've sent Will flying. Their faces were about an inch apart right now. Will was holding his books to his chest, eyes widening like crazy. Mike was staring straight back at Will. Both of them were frozen. They couldn't move.

It was couple seconds before Mike had rolled over next to Will, laying on his back. "Sorry." He said. Mike didn't know Will that well. All he knew was that he was a smart kid, not much friends and was apart of the Art Club. Nothing more. Will didn't know too much about Mike either. All he knew was that Mike was a somewhat popular kid, he had decent grades and he worked at the video store a few blocks down from his moms job. He also heard that Mike was dating that El girl but never figured out if it was true or not.

"It's okay." Will said sitting up. He gathered all his things and put them back in his bag. Mike quickly got up on his two feet and held a hand out for Will to grab. He smiled and took it, standing up. Will patted off his shirt and grabbed his bag, slinging it over his shoulder. "Thank you. Well I uh, should probably get going." Will said and started walking down the hall. Mike looked confused and then started speed walking to catch up to Will.

"Why aren't you in class?" Mike asked, they were now walking side by side. Will looked startled that Mike was next to him. "I was going to the bathroom. Why aren't you? And why were you running so fast?" Will asked. He remembered that he was trying to get to class. Suddenly, he didn't care if he skipped. He wanted to talk to this Byers boy.

"Oh I umm, I had to go to the bathroom as well." Mike lied. "Did you really have to pee or something?" Will laughed. Woah. Will's laugh was adorable. They had been going to school together since kindergarten, how did Mike never realize that? "I guess." Mike lied again. He could feel his cheeks turning a light shade of red. Will gave Mike a look before shrugging it off. Will didn't believe it, not one bit.

If Mike was going to the bathroom why was he running the opposite way of him? Unless he was going to the bathroom across the school but, who does that? Mike was still walking alongside him, humming a little tune. Will stopped and turned to Mike. "Why are you walking with me?" he asked. Mike stopped as well and looked down at him.

"What? I can't just be nice? I did kind of take you out. It's the least I can do." He said. Will looked down, thinking about it. He slowly but surely started walking again. Mike followed. Suddenly the bell rang and Will jumped. "Woah calm down man." Mike said placing a hand on Will's shoulder. Will looked at his hand. Students started flooding the halls. "I gotta go. See you later." Will said and scurried off. What was that all about? Mike wondered. Then he remembered it's Friday. That means freedom.

mike's pov

As I opened the schools doors I was met with a rush of cold air, I couldn't stop thinking about my  encounter with Will. Why did I feel so nervous around him? I didn't even know him. He shook away the thought and hopped on his bike. As he pedaled away he noticed Will getting into a car with an older boy. Probably his brother.

will's pov

As I got into the car I noticed Mike getting onto his bike. "What you lookin at?" Jonathan asked me. I snapped out of my gaze. "Oh, uh nothing." I said. I looked down, playing with my fingers. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Jonathan smirking. "What?" I asked. "You were staring at that kid. Someone's got a crush!" Jonathan teased. "Do not." Will argued. "Do to." Jonathan argued back. Will just rolled his eyes and sat back in his seat. I hope I see him again monday.

Alright that's it! Thank you for reading! Remember I'm always open to suggestions!

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