valentines day

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~it was February 14, 1977~

"You make Valentines for people that you love." Will's teacher had said earlier that day. He was now at home sitting at the table. I love Mike. He's my best friend. Will decided he was going to make a valentines card for Mike Wheeler. He got up and walked to the closet. "Mom, what colors are for Valentine's Day?" Will asked. "Normally red and pink, sweetie." Joyce said, not looking away from the tomato she was slicing. Will grabbed a pink paper and a red crayon. He then sat down at the table and began his work. Joyce finished slicing the tomato and turned to Will. "Who's the card for?" She asked. "Mike." Will said not looking up from his paper. He was too focused on making the hearts look just right. Joyce's eyes darted to wear Lonnie was sitting in the living room. She relaxed once she realized he was passed out on the couch. "I'm sure he will love it." Joyce smiled. Will had finished his card and went to clean up before dinner. The card said "Mike" with two big hearts on each side. On the other side of the paper was a drawing of Will and Mike, dressed up as knights and fighting off a dragon. Will smiled to himself as he put the card in his bag for tomorrow.

~time skip to school the next day~

Will walked in to class and scurried over to wear Mike was sitting. He plopped down next to the taller boy. Mike looked up to see his best friend. "Will!" He beamed and gave him a hug. "Look what I made for you." Will said putting his bag in his lap. He pulled out a card and handed it to Mike. "Happy Valentines Day!" Will squealed. Mike smiled down at the card. "Turn it over. Turn it over!" Will begged. Mike flipped it over and saw the picture of Will and him dressed up as knights. "Will, I love it!" Mike squealed. "Thank you, thank you!" He said pulling Will into a hug. "I knew you would like it!" Will smiled into the hug.

~time skip to later that day~

Mike had just gotten home and he ran upstairs to his room. He grabbed the card out of his bag and tossed his bag into the corner. He then walked over to his bed and sat down to look at the card, caressing it carefully.

I can't believe Will made this for me 8 years ago today, he thought. Mike was now almost 15. It was Valentines Day of 1986 and all he could think about was this card Will made for him in first grade. I miss him. I miss him a lot.

I hope this made sense and if it doesn't let me know. In honor of Valentine's Day being yesterday! :))

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