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Okay guys so this book is back when they are like 7 years old. I got this idea from the scene in "My girl" where vada and Thomas j kiss! Hope you enjoy!

Today was Friday. School had just let out and Will Byers and Mike Wheeler were as happy as ever. They were having a play date. Mrs. Wheeler had just picked the two boys up from school and now they're sitting in Mike's backyard.

Will is sitting criss-cross up against a tree. Mike is laying down on his back right next to the smaller boy. Will was drawing something in his sketchbook and Mike was playing with a leaf. "Will?" Mike asked. "Yeah?" Will said, not looking up from his drawing. "Have you ever kissed someone? Like, on the mouth?" Mike asked.

Will put his sketchbook and all his drawing supplies on the ground next to him. He looked down at Mike. "What? No! I'm too young for that." Will laughed. Mike laughed too. "Have you ever kissed someone on the mouth?" Will asked Mike. "What? No!" Mike said. Will shrugged and went back to his drawings. "Do you even know how?" Mike asked.

Will placed his materials to the side of him once more. "Well uh, well I guess not." Will said. Mike got up on his elbows. "Do you wanna try?" He asked. "What?" Will asked. He was shocked. Why would Mike want to kiss someone? "What do you mean?" Will asked. "We can practice. Ya know, for when we get older." Mike answered.

"Umm okay but, how are we going to do that? We don't have anyone to kiss." Will said. "So we kiss each other." Mike shrugged. Will didn't know what to think. His father had always said Will shouldn't like boys. He was assuming kissing one wouldn't be any better. However, Mike acted like it was perfectly fine.

"You want to practice kissing, with each other?" Will asked. "Yeah! It can't be that hard, can it?" Mike said, sitting up. Will gulped. "O-okay." He said. Mike shifted to sit in front of Will. They were now sitting criss-crossed in front of one another. "Okay. I'm pretty sure you just close your eyes and lean in." Mike said and Will nodded.

Mike started to lean in and Will closed his eyes. He soon felt a pair of lips on his. It was just a peck but it gave the two boys a weird feeling in their stomach. "How did I do?" Mike asked. "Good. How did I do?" Will asked. "Good." Mike said. They both bursted into laughter.

Will fell back on the ground and Mike did as well. "I can't believe we just did that!" Mike laughed. They were laying on their backs and looking up at the sky. "I know!" Will giggled. Seeing Will giggle gave Mike a weird feeling once again. He just pushed it away. Suddenly, the back door swung open. It was Mike's older sister, Nancy.

"Will! Bud, your mothers here!" She shouted. "Already?" Mike said. "Sorry." Will pouted, sitting up. "It's okay. We can have another play date soon!" Mike beamed. Mike helped Will put all his drawings back into his bag. They walked into the house to see Karen and Joyce having a conversation at the kitchen counter.

Joyce looked up and noticed Will. "Will! Hi honey! How are you?" She smiled. "I'm great." Will replied. "Did you two have fun?" Karen asked. Will and Mike looked at each other and laughed. "Yeah!" Mike said. Their two mothers looked confused but soon brushed it off. "Okay well we are going to head out. Thank you so much for having Will over, Karen." Joyce said. "Anytime. See you guys later!" Karen replied.

Once the Byers had closed the door Mike sat down on the kitchen counter in front of his mom. "What's wrong sweetie?" She asked. Mike sighed. "What do I do if I think I like someone?" He asked. "You like someone? Who is it?" Karen asked excitingly. Mike paused a moment before answering her. "I umm, I-I think I like... W-will." He said nervously.

Karen looked shocked for a second but her expression soon changed to a heartwarming smile. "Oh honey. That's okay. Will is a very nice boy. I don't blame you for liking him." She said. Mike smiled. "He is very cute too!" She winked. "Mom!" Mike laughed and hid his face, he was blushing like crazy. Mike finally knew why he got that weird feeling in his stomach around Will. What he didn't know is that Will and Mrs. Byers were having the same conversation on their way home.

Hope you enjoyed!

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