"I can teach you if you want?"

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Alright so in this oneshot the byers never moved. Everything happened but the byers never moved they stayed in Hawkins. El is also living with the byers. Hope you enjoy!

Will was excited to be spending the night with his best friend, Mike Wheeler. They had made plans to have a sleepover a couple of days ago. It felt like forever since they've hung out just the two of them. They had just finished dessert and headed down to the basement. "What you wanna do?" Mike asked, sitting down on the couch. "I'm up for anything." Will said plopping down next to him.

"How about we..." Mike was saying but before he could finish his sentence, he started tickling Will. Will flinched at first and then started squirming. They were laughing like crazy, both of their faces were bright red. Will's head fell onto Mike's lap. "Mike! Stop! Stop!" Will said in between laughs. "Make me." Mike said.

He had stopped tickling Will by now and was staring right at him. Will's eyes went wide and he was lucky his face was already red from the tickle fight. Will couldn't do anything but stare right back into Mike's eyes. All of a sudden, the two boys couldn't take it anymore, they burst out laughing. Mike didn't know why he just stared at Will like that but it was best to laugh it off.

Once they finished their fit of laughter, Mike leaned back on the couch, looking up at the ceiling. Will started to sit up, fearing that he was making Mike uncomfortable. "No- no you're fine!" Mike said, looking back down once he felt Will started to move. "A-are you sure?" Will asked. "Yeah." Mike smiled. Will slowly but surely laid his head back in Mike's lap.

"So, how's Joyce?" Mike asked, twirling a piece of Will's hair in his hand. This action caught Will by surprise. "She's um, she's... she's doing good." Will answered. Why was he so nervous? "Yeah? And what about El?" Mike asked. El and Mike broke up a few months ago. They thought it would be best if El had the chance to be a normal kid before she was rushed into a relationship.

"W-well, me and her are kind of good friends now. I-it's pretty c-cool." Will stuttered. Why is he stuttering? "That's awesome! How's Jonathan doing?" Mike asked once again. Mike seemed to be very interested in Will's home life. Little did Will know, Mike was asking all these questions on purpose.

"Umm. S-same old, same old I guess. W-we've always been close, y'know?" Will said. "Mhm." Mike nodded. "Have you been working on any new drawings lately?" Mike asked, once again. "U-um. Yeah. Why are you asking so many questions?" Will asked. He was now looking up into Mike's eyes. Mike let out a short laugh.

"Sorry, I just think it's cute how you keep stuttering like that." Mike said, not even thinking. Will looked away, his eyes growing wide and his face becoming red. "S-sorry. I-I didn't mean it like th-" Mike tried but before he could finish the basement door swung open at the top of the stairs.

Will's body shot up off of Mike's lap. Karen came walking down the stairs, two sleeping bags in hand. Mike and Will just sat there awkwardly. They couldn't do anything but stare at the women. "Are you two okay?" She asked. The two broke out of their daze and Will nodded. "Yeah, yeah we're fine." Mike answered. Karen gave them a skeptical look and then pointed down at the sleeping bags.

"I brought these for you two." She said. "Thanks mom." Mike answered. "Thank you, Mrs. Wheeler." Will smiled. "Call me Karen." She answered, smiling. Once she headed back up the stairs there was an awkward silence between the two boys for quite some time. Mike decided to break that silence. "I-I didn't mean to make things awkward." He said.

Will looked over at him and gave him a sympathetic smile. "It's fine." Will paused, trying to gather enough courage to ask his next question. "D-did you mean i-it though?" He asked. Mike looked down. Now it was his turn to turn red. "W-well yeah. Obviously." He laughed. "Hm." Will nodded, looking down. "Do you think that's gross? I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have said it." Mike apologized.

"No! No your fine, Mike." Will laughed. Mike calmed down and stood up. He walked over to the sleeping bags and tossed one to Will. "I'm kind of tired. Do you think we could lay down?" Mike asked, yawning. "Yeah that's fine". Will said standing up and laying out his sleeping bag. Mike laid his down next to Will's. Mike put some pillows down and they both got in.

The two boys were now laying on their backs, right next to each other, looking up at the ceiling. "What do you think the rest of the party did today?" Will asked. "Hmm. El and Max probably went to the mall or something." Mike answered. "I have no idea what Lucas could've been doing. Dustin was most likely at the movie store to visit Steve and Robin." Mike said.

"Or talking to Suzy. You wanna know what he told me?" Will asked. "What?" Mike asked. "He said, that Suzy said, that kissing is better without teeth!" Will said, and with that the two boys broke out into a fit of laughter once again. After a little while they settled down and Mike sighed, not in a bad way though.

"Have you ever had your first kiss?" Mike asked out of no where. Of course Will never had his first kiss. That's why he laughed. "What? Me? I don't even know how to kiss." Will said. "Oh." Mike answered. He was thinking if he should ask or not. It could go two ways. Will says yes and everything goes fine. Or he thinks Mike is disgusting and everything goes downhill.

Should I do it? Mike thought. How bad could it be? "I-I could teach you." Mike said. "Only if you want though! I thought maybe I could help." He added on. Will chocked on thin air. Was he hearing this right? Mike Wheeler just said he would teach Will how to kiss someone? Surely he meant just explaining it in word form right? No physical contact? Right? "I-I um, y-yeah... yeah sure." Will answered. "Okay."

Mike sat up and turned on the lamp. Oh shit. He meant physical contact. Will sat up as well, following his lead. They were now facing each other, legs crossed, a couple feet apart. "You can come closer y'know." Mike said, waving Will towards him. Will scooted a tiny bit forward. Mike sighed. "You'll have to come closer than that." He said, grabbing Will by his side and pulling him closer.

Will gulped. He was getting nervous already. "Okay. All you really need to know is to turn your head to the right a tiny bit and just kiss them!" Mike exclaimed. "Wow. So easy." Will rolled his eyes. "Oh cmon, you'll be fine." Mike said. "Now, just follow my lead." He said. At this, Will froze. He was about to kiss Mike Wheeler. Kiss him. Will has had a crush on Mike since, well, forever.

Mike was leaning in. He gave Will a look that said 'are you sure about this?' Will nodded. And with that Mike connected their lips. Will was tense at first but he soon eased into the kiss. It was... easy. Not as hard as he thought it was. Maybe Mike was just really good at it. Will started kissing back, deepening the kiss. Mike cupped one side of Will's face with his hand. Will placed a hand on Mike's knee.

The kissing continued for another 30 seconds, taking short breaks to breathe every so often. Will pulled away first. Not too far though, their faces only centimeters apart. "Woah." Was all Mike managed to spit out. "What? Was it bad? I'm sorry, I've never done this befo-" "No! No it's not that. It was... nice. You're a good kisser, Will." Mike smiled.

"You're not too bad yourself." Will giggled. Mike found himself leaning in once again. He connected their lips. It was short and simple. "W-why'd you do that?" Will asked. "What? I can't just kiss my best friend because I want to kiss my best friend?" Mike chuckled. "That's not really how it works." Will smiled. He was confused but happy that Mike wanted to kiss him again.

"Well, maybe you can be a little more than a friend." Mike smiled. Will put his hands on Mike's chest and pushed him away. "You wish, Wheeler." He said. Will stood up and walked back to sleeping bag. Mike sighed and laid down next to him. Will turned to face Mike. "Thanks for teaching me." He said. "No problem. You still need some more practice though." Mike smiled. "Oh, really?" Will asked. "Yeah." Mike said, switching the lamp off. Will rolled his eyes. "Goodnight, Micheal." He said. "Goodnight, William.

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